We All Have Issues [Krii7y]

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Requested by @_Why--Not_

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John's P.O.V

I woke up in a room, a strange room, this mattress literally hard as a rock, the metal frame creaked as I sat up. 

I saw a glass of water on the old wooden side table, I wasn't drinking that, I stood and noticed I was in a grey sweater and grey sweat pants, my hair was a mess, I could just feel the knots in it tugging at my scalp.

I saw the big metal door, looked heavy but as I opened it, it was very light.

I stepped into a long hallway with many doors that looked like mine, numbered too. I looked at the front of my door and it read 'A- 12'

I wonder what that means, I followed the hallway until I saw a staircase which I walked down slowly, I was in a room with a TV, two couches and a kitchen, looked like a normal house layout. 

I saw a guy sitting on the couch, I went over.

"Oh, you're the new kid! Hi I'm Smitty"

"I'm John"

"Sit with me, I'm sure you're confused"

"I am"

I sat down beside him, he looked my age, 16 ish... he had white hair and 3D glasses on... that was odd but he was going to help me so I can't judge.

"do you know where you are?"

I thought about it for a moment, No where the fuck am I.

"No, where am I?"

"Crystal Group Home"

"Group home?"

"yeah, uh.. do you know why you're here?"

I thought real hard, why am I in a fucking group home, I wasn't robbing banks or killing people..

"no, why am I here?"

"well, I don't know exactly but did you do any crimes?"

"no, I wouldn't ever"

"well, did you do something bad?"

I shook my head no, I don't recall me doing anything bad

"why are you here?"

His eyes widened.

"well I guess you'll know sooner or later, I got a little thing called Bulimia"

"so you eat then puke?"

"that's not... no.. it's different"

He seemed a little nervous talking about it so I wanted to drop the topic before I make him uncomfortable

"You'll meet everyone soon at breakfast"


"yes, this isn't prison, we still get daily meals dummy"

He laughed, his laugh was so comforting, I needed something like that right now.

^time skip brought to you by Twenty One Pilots^

Smitty made me sit beside him at the small-ish wooden table.

"Everyone, this is John, say Hi!"

"Hi John"



one of them just stayed quiet, looked at me with cold eyes then just looked back down at his food.

Vanoss crew One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora