Hay Loft [H2OVanoss]

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Based off a song 

Long: almost 2000 words


Evan and Jon never thought they would ever be in a situation like this, hiding behind barrels from gun shots, scared shitless and covered in mud, they both thought they'd die right then and there, and to make it all worse Evan had no pants on and Jon was missing his shirt and shoes, how did they get into a mess like this you ask? 

That's what I'm going to tell you.

it was a normal day like any other when boy friends Evan and Jon decided to go on a walk through the country side, it was a short walk until they started seeing open fields and farms.

it all started with a dare.

"Hey Evan I dare you to go into the Farm over there and pet the cows"

"I'll die Jonathan"

"I double dare you"


Evan climbed the fence and pet a cow, it stood still not caring for the human petting its face, Evan then slowly backed up and hopped over the fence almost falling in the mud face first.

"I dare you to go into that barn and take a shovel or something"

"I'll DIE" 

Jon said in a mocking tone, making fun of how Evan sounded when he gave him a dare.

"just do it"


Jon opened the white wood gate and closed it behind him, he slowly walked past some horses avoiding steeping in shit as he made his way to the red barn, it was a small barn  most likely just a tool shed. Jon opened the door, it creaked making him freak out, he slid in after opening a little bit and came out holding a hoe, He closed the door and ran his way back to Evan.

"what is that?"

"It's a hoe!"

The two lovers laughed.

"Now Evan I dare you to put it back!"


Evan swiped the hoe out of Jon's hands and hopped over the gate and ran to the barn, he opened the door slowly and just threw the hoe in there, a big noise could be heard from the barn, the Hoe had hit something else metal making a very audible noise.

"fuck!" Evan said as he then kicked the barn door shut and ran back, he leaped over the gate like a hurdle.

"let's walk to the next farm before the owner of this house finds out and calls the cops" Evan pants

"good idea" 

They continue walking until they stopped in front of the next farm which was a good distance from the first one.

"That barn is big as fuck!" 

"I dare you to go see what's in it!" Evan said


Jon walked past the animal pens, there was no gate he had to open , he stood in front of the giant barn and pulled on the handle.

"its locked, of course it is" Jon said to himself

he walked around to the side and saw an open window, it was one of those windows were there was no glass at all, just a frame.

"fuck me" Jon said as he pushed a barrel against the wall so he could reach the window, Evan was clueless to what Jon was up to he was just on his phone searching for service.

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