A Witch's Bloody Lips [Krii7y]

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John dragged his feet through the dirt, dust flew up into the air as he sulked through the street of the town, people gave him stares and the feeling burned into the back of his head. He held his head down and his hands were tied together, he let the two men drag him through the dirt. John held his breath almost as if he needed too, only breathing heavily when his face turned red.

"Can't you just let me go." John asked, he didn't bother to lift his head whilst talking to the taller men, they grunted and dragged him faster through the rocky road, John groaned when the stones and pebbled stab and scraped his legs and ankles, his boots loosely still on his feet. "You know we ain't gonna do that partner." One of the men said before yanking on John's arm, he turned his head as much as he could and saw a sharp rock coming up ahead, he used all his force to knock over one of the men dragging him, which made the other fall. "Watch it you lil' shit!" John pushed himself forward with his legs, he held his hands above his head and the rock sliced the rope in between his hands and he stood up as quickly as possible, he turned around to see the two men brushing themselves off.

"See y'all later!" John said before pulling the broken rope off his hands, he brushed off his shoulders and tipped his hat, the two men looked at each other before trying to chase down John who had already started running. He ran into the forest and past many trees and thick shrubs before the two men couldn't find or see him anymore. "Smitty won't be happy we lost him again..." One man said before gripping the rope which used to hold John's arms together, the other man put his hand on his shoulder and sighed. "Smitty will know what to do."

Smitty was greeted by his two henchmen, but no law breaker. "Where is John!?" Smitty said in a dark and low voice, the two men stumbled around and sighed. "We lost him, he got out of the restraints and ran..." One of the men fell over when Smitty threw a rock at him, he slammed his fist on the table beside him and stood up. He lifted his hat up so it wasn't covering his eyes anymore and looked out the window of his office.

"Start a witch hunt, I want this witch dead." The two men nodded and left the sheriff office before Smitty hit them with anymore rocks, he took his gun and stepped out of the building before laughing like a maniac. John ran he never ran so fast in his life before but if there was anytime for it to happen he was glad it was now, he panted and rested against a tree before sitting down on the forest floor, he gripped his legs and wanted to cry. "Don't cry John, you're stronger than this mama taught you better.."John let go of his legs and lied on the moss covered floor. He looked up at the blue sky and watched it turn grey.

Soon everyone in the town was carrying some sort of weapon, candles or just their fists were enough, they stormed around the town looking for the witch, Smitty smiled as he watched people carrying pitch forks and shovels storm into the forest to look for John. "Sheriff Smitty? How do you know he's a witch?" A lady tugged on his shirt, he turned to face her and smacked her cheek, she yelped and held her bruised cheek in her hand, he laughed at her and puleld out his pistol and pretended to shoot her. "Are you a witch too!? looking out for your fellow witch firend? no you ain't so shut your mouth before I shut it for you!" The lady nodded and ran away before Smitty aimed his pistol at her and shot her, she fell to the ground and crowds gasped.

"Why'd ya do that!" "What!?" "She's gonna die!" People circled the body of the lady who had alread passed away, her blood stained the dirt roads and people gasped. "She told me John and her made a deal with the devil, he must be stopped." The people gasped and continued to storm their very town looking for the acused witch.

"I want the witch brough to me alive!" Smitty yelled, the crowd cheered back and continued to wreck everything searching for John, while in the woods John's mind was about to turn off and fall asleep when he heard his name being chanted, He sat up and saw the flicker of flames in the distance- an angry mob headed his way, surely searching for him. He stood up but fell back over due to the pain in his legs finally catching up with him, his legs shook at he sat on the forest floor.

"This isn't good!" John said before trying to crawl behind a rock, before he could hide himself more someone grabbed him by his hair, he yelled and was thrown to the floor. "Quiet! I'm trying to save you!" John shut his mouth and stopped himself from groaning in pain when his legs took the shock of falling, he turned around and saw a man dressed in all gray, he covered his eyes with a bandanna, He reahced out his hand and John took it, the man pulled him up and threw a grey sheet over him.

"Why did ya pull my hair like that if you were tryna save me!?" The man scoffed and crossed his arms. "We like to scare people okay, everyones after you but the sheriff want's to see you. Alive." John pushed the sheet off of him and looked at the man in what he assumed was his eyes. "So you're actually here to take me to him?" "well yea, but not like angry mob 'we want you dead witch' sort of way, he wants to meet you." John nodded and followed the man anyways.

"I'm Ryan, listen Smitty doesn't want you dead just yet, he could use you." Ryan kept walking, John followed him ignoring the chants of his name behind him. "Use me?" "yes" They kept walking.

"Where could he be, Luke amuse me and tell me something I want to hear." The tallest man caleld Luke rolled his eyes, he sat beside Smitty on a bench and looked at the clouds in the gray sky. "He's on his way, Ryan's found him." Smitty smiled and smacked Luke's shoulder. "I don't know how y'all do it but I'm so glad y'all are at my side." Smitty looked at the clouds but only saw clouds, Luke laughed at pointed at a normal looking cloud. "It shows right there, Ryan's signal of completeting a mission, and he should be here soon since the cloud is now right above our heads." Smitty laughed and smacked Luke again who didn't flinch or react. "It's just a cloud ya crazy witch." Luke chuckled and walked over to the enterance to the forest, Smitty watched as Ryan came out with John following behind him.

"Who's this!?" John said stepping back, Ryan laughed and smiled at the taller man. "That's Luke, we both work for Smitty." "I'm going to die aren't I?" The two males laughed and grabbed each of John's arms and walked with him over to where Smitty was sitting, at this point nobody was in town everyone had left into the forest to look for John.

"Hello John, I'm-" "Smitty right?" Smitty laughed and motioned for the men to carry John behind him, Smitty walked in the direction of his office. "Ryan explained right?" he asked while holding back a laugh, he sounded like he had something up his sleeve but John didn't want to try to run again his legs ached. "Yes, what are you going to use me for?" John asked, they went inside the sheriff office and down a staircase, Smitty lit candles and a pentagram was on the floor. "What's that suppose to be?" John said, Ryan and Luke threw him on the floor. Smitty dragged him into the middle of the circle and sat beside him.

"A law breaker with long blonde hair, that's what it needs!" Smitty laughed like crazy, Ryan and Luke backed up away from the malicious man. "What!? what needs what!?" "The devil!" John tried to crawl out of the circle but Smitty smacked him and ppushed him onto the floor, Ryan picked up and book and started saying words John couldn't understand.

John was about to say something but Smitty took a blade and sliced open his lips, John let out a weak whimper but it was cut short when Smitty crashed his lips with his bloody ones. "let's go before he shows up." Luke said, Ryan and Luke left the room as it started to glow red, Smitty pulled away from the kiss and laughed blood dripped from his mouth and tongue, John held his lips which stung a lot considering they were just sliced open. 

"COME TO ME!" Smitty said cutting stars into each of his palms, John tried to crawl away but was grabbed by Smitty and pushed onto his back. John felt dizzy from the loss of blood and passed out to the sound of a devilsh voice and Smitty laughing.

John woke up being dragged in the dirt road, his head hurt and his lips were sore. He looked up at the blood red sky. People were chanting his name, he felt stinging all around his body, people were throwing rocks at him. He turned his head and saw two men dragging him. 

"Can't you just let me go?" John felt like he had said that before, he wanted to scream but he refused to give in, he saw a sharp rock and was about to use it to his adavantage when the men stopped walking, he looked around and watched as Smitty walked over to him.

"You're mine forever pretty witch."

1700 words

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