Metal [H2OVanoss]

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Jon would always stare at the asian looking male that worked at the lab with him, he didn't know him very well or at all even, but he wished he did. Jon sat at the desk in front of him and focused on the imagery pasted on the asian's face as he did work across the big room, Jon looked up when someone stood in his way of viewing the handsome man he admired with his heart. He frowned and stared up at the other man working in the lab trying to pick a stack of papers off of the desk Jon resided at. Jon stood up and stared at the man until his eyes flickered from the stack of papers up to Jon's blue eyes, he smiled and nodded his head almost like waving his hand to say hello. Jon frowned and picked up the rest of the papers and threw them ontop of the rest the male was holding, it made him drop forward due to how heavy it was, Jon pointed to the left and shoved the man out of the way. He mumbled something but Jon chose to ignore it as he sat back down and continued to stare at the work of art across the room.

"Jon. Jon. Jonathan. Jonathan!" Jon broke out of his day dream when the desk he was resting his head on was slammed, he stared at his friend Luke who was visually upset and frustrated. Jon weakly smiled and gave a pair of thumbs up, Luke frowned and shook his head, he put his coffee mug down and yanked on Jon's sleeve to drag him out of the room.

"What the fuck Jon, I got you this job so you could.. you know get money and do stuff with your life, not slack off and day dream about god knows what!" Jon looked at the ground. Luke sighed heavily, and rubbed his friends shoulders. "I'm sorry, I just- god you frustrate me so much, why are you so distracted? Can you atleast let me help!?" Jon continued to stare at the tile flooring until Luke cleared his throat, Jon's head snapped up and met the judgemnetal gaze of Luke. "I'm sorry Luke, I just... the room is so distracting." Luke cocked his head sideways, Jon elaborated "I don't know anyone but you, and you're always super busy and... I wish I had a partner cause I have no idea what I'm doing here!" Luke pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed with his eyes shut, he stared at Jon and rubbed his temple. "Listen, if I get you a partner in an easy area, will you start working!? I don't want to fire you." Jon smiled and lit up with passion, Luke smiled back at his excited friend. "Is there anyone, you'd like to work with? Anything you're int-" "I want to work with that asian man, he does the cutting stuff, I don't know what he does but I wanna work with him." Luke closed his mouth and stared at his star-struck employee. "Evan?" Jon's eyes went wide at the sound of his name. "Evan..." Jon repeated, Luke chuckled and nodded slowly. "I'll tell him, you start working with him next shift okay?" Luke started to walk away after handing Jon some cash, "And by the way, he does disections." 

Jon stood in the cold room, his new partner walked around and around the room gathering certain things. "Luke said you're new to this stuff so I requested a private room so I can teach you, without other people doing other stuff all around us, okay?" Jon nodded and walked closer to the white sheet covering the metal table in the centre of the small room, he was about to lift it when Evan smacked his hand. "Not yet, Jonathan, be patient." Evan said turning away and grabbing some more bottles and tools from drawers ans cabinets all over the room, Jon stepped back and looked around the room. So many things he's never seen before- or noticed atleast. "Hey Evan, why do you do this job?" Evan chuckled a little and opened small packages up with little scalpels in each. "I love Biology, and everything that came with it, but this is great because I'm helping others too, the families of these poor people feel better when you tell them which way they died." Jon knew working in a forensics office would be a little scary since he was always bad at science and math in highschool, but it was a free job Luke was giving him, so he took it regardless. "I guess that makes sense."Jon said quietly, he watched as Evan pulled the white sheet off, Jon closed his eyes as if he was about to be jumpscared, when nothing happened he slowly opened them one at a time to see the dead body laying on a cold metal table in front of him. Evan handed him a clip board with paper already clipped into it, and a pen. "Write down the things I tell you to, okay? A-And just watch today, I don't want to freak you out by making you do gross stuff early on." Evan smiled sweetly at Jon which made his heart bear faster, he took a deep breath and nodded.

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