She's Wrong [TerrorSnuckle]

658 26 11

Requested by @RosalinaFangirl1 

Brian's heart ached, for many years he felt deflated and empty since his long time crush slipped out of his grasp and fell in love with someone else, and then got married to said person. To rub salt into the wound he also had a kid with her. He could remember the pain so well, Brian's heart skipped a beat when he saw he was getting a call from his crush; Brock. When he answered the phone he was greeted with happy squealing, Brain laughed and asked what was happening and that's when he was yelled at through the phone. "I'M HAVING A KID!" Which made Brian's heart break, he knew this would happen eventually seeming as how badly Brock wanted a family right out of college. 

Lauren seemed to be the perfect person to be married to Brock; other than Brian himself of course. Plus Lauren could give him a kid, when Brian couldn't. His heart would flutter at every mention of the other's name, every time they played games online or recorded videos together Brain couldn't help but pine after the one he's loved since high school. It was different this time however; Brian picked up the phone and heard a panicked sigh come from the other end. 

"What's wrong?" Brain said, worrying for his friend, Brock rambled about something and went on and on about how much he loved his daughter. "She's the greatest daughter in the world and I'm sure Lauren wouldn't mind if I took her right? I just-" Brain cut off his excessive rambling. "Wait what... Why are you taking you daughter!?" Brock went silent on the other end of the phone and sighed heavily, you could hear that something was clearly wrong, Brain was about to ask a follow up question when yelling came from the phone. "LAUREN! FUCK OFF FOR LIKE... JUST LET ME TAKE THIS CALL!." Brock seemed far away, probably pulling the phone away from is face so his yelling wasn't loud to Brian, but it was still very loud. Rummaging noises came from the other side before a loud slam from a door came through and a kid crying. "Bria- Sorry look, can I come over..." Brian almost dropped the phone right then and there, his hands felt weak but he kept his phone to his ear. "Why!? What's happening?" Brock's soul hurt and you could hear it in the way he was talking and sighing every 4 seconds. Brock never spoke about what was causing him to pack a bag and get ready to drive to Brian's which was a few hours uptown. 

Brain waited by his door anxiously, he didn't know what was happening only that he agreed to let Brock stay a couple of days in his guest room, and have alone time away from Lauren; for whatever reason. Brain didn't have any idea how long he was sitting on the floor for, just waiting for a knock or a ring or his doorbell or maybe a text from Brock letting him know he was outside, would Brock do any of that at all? Just let himself in? He's welcomed like that in Brian's eyes.

Knock knock knock

It only took three before Brian sprung up from the floor and opened the door, Brock smiled at his friend and without saying anything just stepped inside and wrapped his arms around Brian in a tight hug, of course Brian reciprocated the hug. Brian shut the door with his foot and took Brock's bag and put it in the guest room, Brock's been here a million times for hang outs and knew were his room would be. "Brock, can I just ask... What's going on back home, you're welcomed here whenever but I wanna make sure you're fine." Brock sighed heavily and fell down on the couch and lied there pulling a little throw blanket over his body. "Is everything alright at home? Do I need to get you a lawyer?" This had a joking underline, Brock laughed and reached out to smack Brian lightly, they both laughed, Brock sat up and stared at the Irish male across from him.  "Lauren and I had a big fight, I was going to bring my little girl with me to see Uncle Brian again, but Lauren refused to let me take her." Brian consoled the man by placing a tender hand on his shoulder and slowly rubbing it. "it was rough, we fight sometimes like most couple but this one was hard... reaaaaaal hard, she couldn't let it go." Brian cocked an eyebrow and bit his tongue, he wanted to ask many questions but felt it would be rude to just push Brock in to spilling the beans. Brock laughed a little while staring at Brian, "What?" Brock stifled more laughs. "I can tell you want to ask me more about what happened, and you're just trying to be polite- but the face you're making- I can't." Brock poked Brian's cheek with his finger which made the Irish frown. "Does this mean I can ask?" Brian said pulling his crush's finger out of his face. Brock nodded slowly, but before any words can spill out of Brian's mouth Brock shushed him. "One at a time, or you can't ask anything." Brian smacked his friends finger away from his face once more and placed a hand on his lap to soothe him and took a deep breath. "What were you guys fighting about." Brian sat there like a puppy waiting for their owner to praise them and give them treats, waiting for the worst to spill out of those perfect lips so he can help distract his crush. "I was on a call with Nogla, earlier the day Lauren said she was seeing her sister with the kid, so I thought I was able to speak freely out loud-" "Did you call her like, a fat cow or something Brocky?" Brock ignored the pet name and furrowed his brows when he stared at the Irish man. "I said one at time, anyways no. Brian I didn't. I was telling Nogla about one of my high school crushes and how I kind of wished I got with them instead, though I love my daughter I wish I was married to them instead. It was just a thought but apparently she heard it all, cause she came home early." Brian massaged the leg under his touch and Brock smiled weakly. Did Brock really wish he could've married someone else? Let alone a high school crush? Who was it!? "She let it go as me just saying things for a video, but then she brought it back up a week after and then we started arguing and she was like," Brock made a funny facial expression and put his hands on his hips. "He'll nEveR lOvE yOU baCK bROcK" He said in aa high pitched tone trying to imitate his wife, Brian laughed at his act but his mind screamed at a halt, he'll? Brock liked a guy!? 

"Are you done answering my first question?" Brian asked staring down watching his own hand rub the thigh of his crush, Brock hummed to confirm what Brian had asked, he shot his eyesight up and stared deep into Brock's eyes. "You liked a dude?" Brock's stomach dropped a little, Brian would accept him if he said he was gay or even bisexual, but there was something weird about confirming that fact while also having a wife back home. "Is that weird? It was high school, but I don't know... I just wonder some times what being married to a man feels like, not some nagging woman who can't let things go." Brian nodded, he knew that feeling all to well, it was too familiar thinking that way, especially with the man right in front of him. "So... Who was it? Did I know him?" Brock shushed him, Brian frowned and rubbed his temples, even after getting into a fight with his wife he still found time to be annoying as all hell to mess with Brian. "You knew him alright." Brian looked up at him surprised. His heart fluttered with hope, maybe it was him, maybe his dreams were coming true. "Was it John?" Brock shook his head, Brian pursed his lips together. "Was it Luke?" Brock shook his head again. "Evan?" Brock shook his head. Brian wanted to see if Brock liked him. "Was it.. Me?" Brock started to shake his head but stopped and opened his eyes wide and stared at Brian, he looked a little flushed and nervous. "Okay but she was right, he'd never like me back, you'd never like me back plus that was like a bajillion years ago, not now... obviously..." Brock fiddled with his fingers and Brian kept rubbing his thighs, Brock seemed to like the touch but ignored that fact it was happening. "You just said you were thinking about-" "I know sheesh, I can't... I- I don't know, it feels like high school all over again- fuck." Brian shushed him this time, Brock looked a little stunned; like a deer in headlights. 

"She's wrong Brock." Brian said inching his face closer to his crush's. "Brian-" Brian placed a light kiss on Brock's lips just to test the waters, and he loved the feeling even though it was worth lived, it felt like euphoria. Brock backed away quickly, he looked horrified and Brian felt terrible, his gut dropped and felt like maybe he shouldn't have done that. "Brian, I have a wife... I have a kid, which I love more than anything in the world- I can't be trying to fulfill my fantasies and cheat on her." Brian looked at him. "Divorce is a thing you know that right?" Brock laughed and so did Brian, he slowly inched his hand up further and kept his placed on his crush's hip. "She'd win the kid, and you know that." Brian sighed and pressed his body closer to Brock's. "But you could get her for a few days too, who said we couldn't adopt a kid either." Brock looked at him a little shocked. "God we've just kissed and you're already thinking of adoption, who are you Brian?" They both laughed and stared at each other in comfortable silence, Brian snaked his other hand to rest on the other hip and pulled Brock closer to him once more, Brock smiled sweetly. "Well I mean, I guess but I've been thinking of us since high school." Brock pressed his forehead against Brian's, "Nogla said that, he said it was really obvious you liked me but I never saw it, apparently everyone knew." Brian pulled back mortified. "WHAT!? EVEry- everyone knew!?" Brock nodded while laughing.

"Can we kiss again? But this time don't be a bitch about it and actually kiss me." Brock said with a slight laugh, Brian rolled his eyes and ducked in, they kissed and this one was long and sweet, they both separated and stared at each other, both of their cheeks bright red and pupils dilating. "I've dreamed of that kiss for, as you put it, a bajillion years." Brock lightly smacked his arm and kissed him again. "I love you, I always have." Brian said toying with Brock's hair and staring into his eyes. "ditto Brian." They kissed once more before cuddling and watching a movie together.

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