Chapter 64. Jump...

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Kit's POV

"I-is everything rea-ready?"

"Yes, all taken care of. Students will gather around on the ground floor, grabbing Forth's attention. I have informed the faculty teachers that this is all set up and nothing is going wrong. There is a safety mat hidden in the crowd in case you DO fall off. The food and drinks are in the basket and coolbox behind the airvent over there." Ming pointed towards the big vent next to the staircase door with the coolbox and picknic basket badly hidden behind it.

"Okay...okay...we're doing t-this."

"Okay good, go stand on the ledge, Forth's class ends in roughly 10 minutes. I will pick him up and guide him towards the crowd, he will rush up the stairs and i will tell him that i'm going to find a teacher and when he rushes off i will give you the sign, lock the staircase door and after that it's all on your end."

"I will convince P'Fo-forth it was all a m-mistake and w-when we h-have figured things out, i w-wi-will message you."

"Good luck Nong!"

"T-thanks, and P'M-ming. Thank you."

"No probs." He ruffled my hair and left with another thumbs up.

I'm more than nervous for this plan, honestly there is a huge chance that P'Forth will be even madder at me when he gets up here but i'm willing to take that risk if i can just get a few seconds to tell him the truth.


Forth's POV

My class was almost finished, not that it mattered to me since i haven't been paying any attention to this class, any class for that. Ever since Pha told me about Yo and Kit kissing i've been too pissed off by everything, which is very unlike me but Kit is definitely my weak spot. I get very sensitive when it concerns Kit and hearing that Kit was kissing my brother made me feel betrayed, hurt and left me with the million possibilities of how Kit would break up with me. I was sad and hurt but somehow the anger i held became the most prominent feeling and it definitely showed in my behaviour today.

Kit even tried to explain to me and i wanted to listen but my mind constantly told me that he is only doing this because he knows i know about his 'secret' with my brother. So i ignored him and just walked away, and then when i saw Ming a moment later. I was boiling with anger after leaving Kit in the study room but when Ming persistantly kept bothering me, i snapped and lashed out at him which i regret almost as much as ignoring Kit. I know that this is all just a misunderstanding, Kit would never do something like cheating on me because i know how much Kit hates the guilt eating at him when he has done something bad yet i can't calm myself and accept this.

I really am not fit to lead a gang when i can barely even control my own emotions. My depressing line of thoughts was disrupted eventually by the bell signalling the end of the class. Grabbing my stuff i walk out of the classroom and not even one step past the doorway, i get pulled to the side by Ming. He wasn't too gentle when handling me, let me just add that.

"Ming, what the hell!"

"Sorry, had to get you back though for pinning me against the wall." Well i'm glad he isn't too mad at me for that, i took a deep breath before i spoke, Ming wasn't a part in any of this he was just trying to be a good friend and talk to me.

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