Chapter 4. Meeting My Hero

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Wayo's POV

"Uhm Hello?" I said to no one in particulair as me and Kit entered the empty classroom.

"T-this i-is the r-right room right?" Kit asked behind me, i took a step back to look at the door number and nodded. "W-why is nobody h-here?"

"Don't know, let's just sit and wait. Maybe they went to grab something or they didn't expect us so early. Half of the people are still outside voting."

"T-true." Kit said and we sat down on 2 seats and turned them around so we could keep an eye on the door. A few minutes passed in silence so i decided to change that.

"Soo Kit, tell me about yourself. It looks like we have to wait a few more minutes anyways." He looked around for a second before answering.

"Uhm. M-my name is Kit K-kongthanin. I-i am 19. I get n-nervous r-really quickly. I'm s-stupid, h-have t-tr-trouble rea-reading, su-stutter a lot." He said and looked at his feet, why was he calling himself stupid? He looks like a smart boy.

"Why do you call yourself stupid, that's not good to do. You don't look stupid." He looked at me and gave me a brief smile before continuing.

"M-my brother calls me s-stupid. M-my brother is smart s-so he is prop-ably right."

"Who is your brother? Does he go to school here?" Kit nodded, maybe i could ask Forth if he knew Kit's brother.

"M-my brother is P-Phana Kongthanin, y-you just met him." As he said that my eyes were wide open, that arrogant senior is his brother? I mean he said he knew Kit but related? They didn't look anything alike.

"Kit if you got allowed into this university you definitely aren't stupid. So your brother might be smart but he is wrong."

"T-thank you, Y-yo. Oh sorry W-wayo." He corrected himself on my name and covered his mouth with his hand.

"It's okay, you can call me Yo."

"Mh, Yo." He nodded. "But i-i g-got into this school bec-cause i g-got a scholarsh-ship."

"If you got in through a scholarship that should mean you're an amazing student right?"

"I-i got a scholarsh-ship for my a-art, not my g-grades." If he got in for his art that means he is a great artist, P'Phana said during the introduction that he paints and draws, i want to see one of his paintings, maybe he can teach me a bit.

"That just means you're an amazing artist, please show me some of your work" I begged excitedly, actually kneeling with my hands together. Kit looked at me in shock for a second before starting to chuckle.

"S-sure i'll show you sometimes." He said why a shy nod. I thanked him and i jumped up to hug him, when he let out a soft hiss. I jumped back and apologized profusely. He was rubbing his arm but smiled at me, saying that it was okay. When i asked what happened, he started to look away from me as to aviod answering my question. I wanted to ask him again but got interrupted by the door being slammed open and 3 seniors coming into the room, 1 of which we just saw not too long ago.

"Come eat, i'm hungry!"

"Dash get out! I'm already late to meet my juniors!"

"So am i, so let me make us some foooood." P'Dash pushed himself onto the female senior, trying to hug and kiss her but she just kept pushing him away.

"P'Renée, there are students in this room." The other girl who was watching just turned around to face us and then told the senior. The 2 fighting seniors turned to face us and froze awkwardly.

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