Chapter 12. Breaking Hearts

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Beam's POV

"Oh Sorry, are you okay." I asked as i helped her get up as she fell on the floor when i bumped into her.

"Uhmm Yeah i'm alright." I keep holding on to her hand and wipe the strand of hair that has fallen down to the side of her face.

"I don't think i've seen a beauty like you around here?" Usually the smooth talking is the way to go, hopefully she is the same. I don't want to put in effort into someone who is just a distraction. But i have to say she is gorgeous when she smiles. She deserves a little more of my efforts and attention than i usually would put into a one time fling.

"Funny, because i was just looking around for handsome guys like you." I chuckle and she joins in with a giggle.

"What's your name pretty?"


"Beam, nice to meet you. But you can call me honey instead." She laughs cutely, probably fake and slaps my chest.

"You're a funny one, no girlfriend?" No shit! If i had a girlfriend already i wouldn't be flirting with you and stay faithful...probably.

"If you'll say yes i'd have one. Wouldn't your boyfriend get upset seeing you talk to me?"

"No boyfriend." She said after a pause, either she is lying, has a boyfriend and wants to cheat or she recently got dumped, either way she's like wounded prey for the taking.

"Wanna change that? Maybe tonight?" I hint and hold out my phone. She gets the drift and takes my phone.

"I think i can make time for you." She flirtatiously tells me, giving me back my phone with her number. With a last wink from her i give her a last wave and i was a happy boy, until i get that death stare from Ming. 

Ming made his way over to me, not breaking eye contact. I was debating if running away would be a good option but i guess it's too late for that, feeling his firm grip on my arm as he drags me away. Remembering the times Ming was really irrational back in high school made me a bit afraid of what he'll do to me. I still remember one time a girl was trying to stab me with one of those mechanical pencils and i actualy got a few cuts. The girl had mental issues i think, that or she really disliked me. Whatever, that's not important. Anyways, Ming somehow stole her boyfriend and dated him for a week. Then they broke up mutually. Ming only did it out of revenge for me and the boy dating her thought she was crazy as well. So he also had an excuse to leave her and to experiment with guys. Okay, it was actually pretty well thought out but still, he made a straight guy go gay for him because a girl tried to stab me with a pencil? Now that we're older and he has a lot more recources to use, i'm a bit scared to know what he'll do.

He roughly pushed me in front of him into the empty classroom.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Ming says with such sternness it is actually making me cower a bit, but i don't want to show him i'm intimidated by him.

"W-what do you mean? I didn't do anything!" I hope he didn't hear the stutter in my words.

"You can't just flirt with that girl like that, don't you know she's taken?" Could he also tell she was lying? Wait? Was he eavesdropping the whole time!?

"Why do you care! It's not like i'm hitting on you right? Besides she told me she already broke up with her boyfriend." She didn't but i don't want him spreading the word of me being a home wrecker. Than again that would be hypocritical. He was silent for a second, contemplating and confused? He seemed to be thinking about what i just said. But about what? The i'm not hitting on you part of the she broke up lying part? Was he jealous or really just angry? Did he know this girl? Is it one of his ex's!? Oh no...Please don't let them know each other.

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