Chapter 80. Change

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Ming's POV

It is just another day, once again i am staring dreamily at my boyfriend as he studies to his hearts and brains content. Its the final exams of the year so he has been spending all his time studying. Luckily Beam doesn't do the thing anymore where he ignores people when studying and even asks me to help him by quizzing him, getting him food or drinks and keeping him motivated when he wants to stop. 

Of course i have to study as well but i have my study sessions planned with First on different times so i can always spend my free time with Beam. Sure i study with Beam as well but i always get distracted by his handsome face. 

"Can you believe it?"


"You weren't listening were you?"

"You weren't talking were you?" I respond cheekily but Beam just shoots be a bored looks.

"Haha! Funny. I was saying that it's pretty weird to think the schoolyear already passed by so quickly."

"Yeah, it really did." It was true, after the whole Pring went crazy incident and Beam losing his scholarship things were pretty normal and paced. Normal days at school, normal days at work...if you can call my work normal that is. We visit our brothers and my parents once a month and sometimes we even stayed a weekend.

Beam started visiting his parents' grave again and i come with him, i don't need to come but it's nice to be there for Beam, sometimes he gets a bit emotional when speaking of his parents or what they have been missing and i want to be there for him when he needs me, but it's also kind of my own thanks. I knew Aunty and Uncle because i used to visit them a lot before the whole Wai-Apo accident , they were always kind to me and P'Forth, helping us with homework, letting us stay at their house and cooking for us and sometimes even cooking with us. They were genuine, fun and nice people and i am in my own way sad to lost people to me who felt like family to me.

However on the brighter side of things, since the schoolyear is about to end that means me and Beam will become 3rd year Juniors and our brothers will be coming to our school after the summer. I will probably never tell them but i am excited to see those brats again, as long as they don't interrupt my time with Ai'Beam.

"For how long have we been dating now even? 7-8 months? It doesn't even seem real."

"8 Months, 2 weeks and 2 days." I say with a smile and Beam looks at me lilke i grew a second head. "What?"

"You know the exact date!?"



"Because i will never forget the best day of my life."

"Aish! This guy. Always so cheesy!" He hit me on the head with his notebook, making me chuckle.

"Hey i can tell you, it's not easy being cheesy."

"Oh god shut up." Beam chuckles and keeps hitting me, i just block his hits until i see an opportunity to wrap my arms around him with his arms wrapped right next to him, unable to move.

"As if you don't love this cheesy boy."

"I do. Really, thank you for remembering such things. I really appreciate it." Beam says with a small smile and kisses me, i deepen the kiss and put my hands on his cheeks.

We hear someone clear their throat behind us so we break apart to look at the person to see my sister standing there.

"Oh hey Minute." I say and Beam tries to let go off me but i hold onto his waist without letting him go.

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