Chapter 42. Mistaken

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Ming's POV

I bump into First when I enter the hall. The freshmen are all practicing the dance routine, sweating and slumping when they are almost done. They really have been pushed a lot today.

"Ming? Where have you b-Did you drink?!" First asks in disbelief and I just shrug and smirk at him.

"Yep, what you going to do about it pretty boy."

"Ming...Are you drunk? How much did you drink? Are you crazy!? You could get expelled if they find out you are drunk at an official school event."

"Don't really care. And they won't find out because I am very good at being inconspicuous." I say with jazzhands in front of First.

"Jesus Christ Ming..." First rests his head in his hands, shaking it in disappointment maybe?

"I need to go now..." I mumble as I spot one of the freshman moons enter his dressing room, the moon looking oddly familiar...


Wayo's POV

The day of the competition was finally here, we were going through the final rehearsal right now. Everything had to be perfect and it couldn't have been more stressful. One mistake in the dance routine, BAM! Start at the beginning. 1 Word misspoken during your introduction, BAM! Start at the beginning. Took a misstep when walking up to the mic, BAM! Start over. You get what I mean. Everything had to be very precise. Meanwhile we were being watched by some of the student Ambassadors, P'Renée was here as well. Cheering me on and supplying me with water when I felt like dying. P'Pha was a bit on edge whenever Renée would touch me and he would hug me to death after she let go of me. We aren't even dating yet and he is already being a possessive asshat! I mean he is cute, but sometimes it pisses me off when he is being an ass to my friends when they touch me too much for P'Pha's liking.

Finally after hours we got through the rehearsal completely without fault and got a break. I went to my dressing room to get out of these sweaty and stinky clothes. For the time being I just wore a tshirt and some shorts. I sat down on the couch here for a second before there was a knock at the door. Probably P'Pha. He was going to grab us some food.

"Come in!"

"Hi." A new voice rung up, I turned to face the door and my eyes lit up when I saw the person standing there smiling shyly.

"P'Ming!" I jumped out of my seat and launched myself at my old best friend.

"Hi Nong. It's great to see you again. I've missed you." He said hugging me back. As my head rested against his shoulder I noticed the lingering smell around him.

"P'...have you been drinking?"

"What? No, of course not. First was drinking and I was just hanging out with him. Must've rubbed of on me."

"Oh okay then, come sit down! We need to talk!" I cheer and drag him to the couch by his hand. He giggles and sat down. P'Ming is still as handsome as before, maybe even more so. But I would have to vote for Phana as most handsome though, I kind of feel obligated to do so.

"I almost didn't remember you Yo. You look so different, where are the braces? The glasses?"

"Gone P'. I had to improve myself right? Or else P'Forth was never allowing me to go to a public school."

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