Chapter 58. You've done well.

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Ming's POV

For the first time ever my life seemed perfect, My studies were going well, the maffia was at a tranquill position right now and i didn't have too much business to take care of. I had made amends with Yo, even though he probably won't be so close to me as we used to i am still glad we are back at a friend level. And of course, i have a boyfriend who i am madly in love with.

Speaking of, said boyfriend was currently at his part time job. He was allowed to work again since last week and he has been going to work almost every weekday after school. So i am preparing a little late night dinner for us for when he comes back home. I have infiltrated his house and have been staying here instead of my dorm ever since we started dating, only going back to get clothes, books or other supplies.

In the time that i've been staying here, i have also noticed that my brothers sleep here 9 out of the 10 times and i actually had to call my dad to ask if he knew about this, both my parents knew and agreed since it would be less hassle and they like Suthee and Park so they trust God and Green with them, hell even they are suspecting that the four of them are dating. Really what is the chance of a whole family turning out to date a guy. My dad is married to a guy, I am dating a guy, and my brothers might like two guys. I should ask Beam about this because this might be some natural phenomena.

"Hello? I'm back." Beam called out from the door.

"Kitchen!" I shouted in reply, a minute later Beam entered the kitchen and hugged my from behind, resting his head against my shoulder.

"I'm so tireeeed." His whining made me chuckle, turning off the stove i turned my body around and wrapped my arms around him, his face resting against my chest.

"Why do you work so much, you have school as well. If you're too tired take a leave."

"I can't, i just came back."

"Ah ah. Come let's eat you big weenie."

"You cooked?"

"Mhm. It's nothing too fancy but i didn't want you too stress out about cooking for the kids and yourself."

"Thanks." Beam thanked me with a tired smile, i leaned down and stole a kiss before leading him to the table and calling the others that the food was ready. They came storming down like starved animals despite eating bags filled with snacks and junkfood not even two hours ago.

Having dinner, with the six of us has been a regular thing now and it still feels really nice. Sure i would love some privacy or just a romantic dinner for just me and Beam but this was family, no matter how annoying they could be or how much of a headache they gave Beam, we enjoyed the company. Green actually couldn't believe that i could cook this well since i never did it for him, i have for God when Green went out with his friends and God stayed or was left at home. You could call it favoritism but God has always been shy and more introverted, it's hard for him to make friends unlike Green who is very social and outgoing. Maybe because i always saw God more alone and vulnerable i felt a bigger need to protect and take care of him. Sure Green is my little brother as well but i know i don't need to worry much about him. He is a hard nut to crack.

One thing that was worrying me however was that Beam has been taking care of his brothers and mine for so long now, juggling school, work and taking care of your siblings can be a lot of stress on a single person. Which made me wonder why his parents haven't looked for a seperate place for Suthee and Park, they will be attending university next year anyways.

Dinner was finished and the kids went back upstairs whilst me and Beam stayed downstairs, i was washing the dishes and Beam was just sitting at the table watching me and making conversations.

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