Chapter 36. Moon Courting Moon

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Wayo's POV

I promised P'Forth and P'Pha that I would go to school today so I am going to keep my promise. I am not completely okay again. Yes, I forgave P'Pha but I can't trust him 100% still. But he is willing to give me my time and slowly earn back my love and trust. After our breakfast that got interrupted by Pring ended, P'Pha dropped me off at my faculty. I wish he could stay with me but he missed a lot of classes too, staying in his dorm room sulking and stressing out just like me. So Professor Aunty is making him do all his work, Professor Aunty is one of the only teachers in this school that isn't scared of P'Pha and P'Pha actually never skips her classes. He skips a lot of classes and homework but is always attending hers he told me. I should actually practice my personal talent for the Star and Moon competition, but before I can practice I need to figure out what do to!

P'Pha dropped me off and I walked to the gymnasium where Kit, the angels and some other students from different faculties were helping with setting up props, decorations and stage décor.

"Uhm Hello?" I announced myself. Causing some people including my friends to look up.

"E'YO! Give me a hug!" E'Fatty screamed and came running at me to hug me, all the other angels followed and surrounded me in a group hug.

"Okay, guys that's enough. I can't breathe!" I tried pushing E'Elephant away which I couldn't but they took a bit of space on their own accord after my words.

"E'Bitch Yo! Where have you been!?"

"We haven't seen you in weeks."

"Kit told us you didn't go to practice and were stuck in your room?"

"Are you okay?"

"E'Yo, were you and P'Pha having a sexy week maybe?" Fatty's comment actually made me clench my jaw shut, even though me an P'Pha are good now, it's still a painful memory.

"Sit down. I'll explain." I sighed and took a seat on the benches around me and Kit. Kit held onto my arm and gave me words of reassurance. I just smiled at him and tol him I was okay and I could talk about this to them, they were my friends. They deserve to know after being left out in the dark for so long.

So I explained everything to them. The flirting, P'Pha asking me to be his boyfriend, The cheating, His apology, my self-harming and P'Phas stressing experiences.

"E'Yo? Did P'Pha really not inform you about BDSM?"


"He owns a club but doesn't even explain it before acting! That's against dom rules!"

"Ai'Mon, how do you know?"

"Because I go to his club. Duh?"

"Why?" I asked even though I didn't want to ask.

"I can't get a boy to date me here at school but in the club I have no issues finding a man to fuck me all night. I'm a very popular sub in his club."

"I have no issues believing that..."

"Fukck you E'Bitch Yo." Mon scoffed at me and turned his head away from me, sulking. I just chuckled at him and sighed contently. It actually felt really good letting everything out.

"But Ai'Yo are you okay now? You still look a bit skinny, you should eat and drink more." Red asked with worry.

"I'm getting better. Still not 100% but I'm doing fine. I just ate before coming here, I just need to make sure not to use too much energy and overexert myself."

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