Chapter 63. I am to blame

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Wayo's POV

"Phi...I'm still not so sure about this. Will he really listen to me here?"

"No idea, but this is the best thing we got right now."

"P'Beam is this really the best thing though?"

"Ai Shiya Yo, do you know how hard it was for me today to get Phana under control and get him to go to the club tonight? He was this close to actually beating me up! Yo you have to fix this tonight, i can't handle Phana like that for another day. He is the spawn of the devil and needs to be defeated."

"Phi...You're overreacting. He just...has a bit of a temper. Even if i wouldn't come here today, he would be a lot more calmer tommorow. Right?"

"There is no calming down that hurricane Yo, i only managed to redirect it so nobody would get hurt, but i haven't stopped it yet. You are the only one who can do that."

"Fuck..." I mutter under my breath, P'Pha is acting like this because of me so i should be the one to stop him as well, P'Beam is right about that. I feel so guilty knowing that P'Beam has to go through this effort because of me, but i'm scared. If he saw Kit and I kiss why did he get this upset, P'Pha gets jealous but he never gets this crazy mad. Maybe with the added stress of his work it caused him to snap. That sounds quite reasonable to be honest. Alright! I need to stop thinking, i need to just go in there, go to the second floor, find P'Pha, apologize and hopefully get the hell out of there.

"Okay...I'm going in."

"Good luck Nong! Call me if you need me to pick you up. And remember, The BLACK Bracelet." 

"Yeah i know. Thank you P'Beam." I got out of the car and closed the door behind me, taking a few steps forward to the VIP entrance of the club, there was a enormous line in front of the normal entrance but right next to it was a guy holding a clipboard, P'Beam has special authority in this club so he called and put me on the VIP list. I walked up to the bouncer, my confidence dropping as i saw the eyes of the people waiting to get in the club all on me.

"Uhm, hi." The bouncer took off his sunglasses to look at me, which i don't understand. Why would you wear sunglasses at night!? But anyways after he saw my face, his stern expression softened.

"Hi little man, what can i do for you." I'm almost 180cm! Why does everyone a bit taller than me have to make fun of my height! 

"Can i get in? P'Beam said he called and put me on the VIP list..." The guy gave me a soft smile and a nod which made him look way less scary and i really liked that, it took away the nerves of the possibility that i might get kicked out or pushed to the curb by a scary bouncer whilst other people watch...Yeah, i'm very nervous still.


"Yes, Panichiyasawat."

"Oh! This is my first time seeing the little master." He chimed happily.

"Little Master?"

"Yeah! Boss always talks about you, the brother of his partner and his future wife. Yah, The boss always manages to get the real gem in between all the fakes." He said with a wink which together with his comment made me blush. How many people has Phana told about me.

"Oh sorry, my name is Johny. I am one of P'Phana's members and now i am also one of your brothers' members since they conjoined the groups." I prefer the way how he used groups instead of gangs seeing as we are in public and people are still looking at me, some of the girls are even giving me envious looks seeing as i am having a friendly talk with a bouncer that, in all honesty is not bad looking and i am pretty sure some might've even heard him call me little master. "But you have never been here? P'Pha told us you're not really a club person."

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