39 - What you two do on a long plane ride

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Liam: "Okay, so I brought play-dough, video games, Mad Libs, movies..." he says excitedly, his bag looks like a little kid packed it. He knows you were less than excited to be on a plane for eight hours, but he's packed enough stuff to keep you two entertained. "Perfect!" squeal, you two spend the whole flight playing all kinds of games, just like you're little kids again. 

Zayn: Not even twenty minutes into the six hour flight, you are both asleep, his arm around you and your head on his lap. The boys have a real kick with this, and you and Zayn wake up at the end of the flight with popcorn stuffed in your clothes and lots of pictures of you on twitter... 

Harry: You and Harry, having similar tastes in music share a pair of earbuds and listen to his iPod. He strokes your hair and you sit on his lap. You both end up falling asleep. 

Louis: You guys invent your own game, you say a situation then make up a story to go along with it. Round one started with you saying "All right, the situation is your grandmother's bra is on the top of the Eiffel tower." He made up an entertaining story about grandma applying to be on Elders Gone Wild, and you two spend the whole flight playing your made-up game laughing until neither of you can even breathe. 

Niall: After raiding the plane's supply of food, you convince Niall to play some songs on the guitar and you sing along with him. Once you're both bored of that, you take turns blind folding each other and trying to guess what kind of candy and which flavor you two feed each other. He's a pro at this game, not surprisingly.

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