138 - A habit of his that has rubbed off on you

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Harry: Watching people's lips as they talk. Normally you look people in the eye, but you've found that watching people's lips is much more interesting and certainly a change from the eyes. 

Liam: Saying sorry when you''ve done nothing wrong. Ever-polite Liam often apologizes for doing nothing wrong, and you've begun to do the same. 'Sorry' is one of the most-used words in your vocabulary lately. 

Niall: Saying 'What the Craic'. Niall's favorite expression has definitely become an expression you use often! Even though you've never used it before meeting him and hearing him say it thousands of times, it's become a permanent part of your vocabulary. 

Zayn: Tweeting 'aha' at the end of your tweets. Normally you ended your tweets with a classic 'xx' or ':)' or even 'omg', but lately you've been adding an 'aha' like Zayn often does. 

Louis: Being publicly affectionate. You know how Louis was always (and is still) one to give people love bites and hugs and show affection in public? Well, his habits have rubbed off! Lately because of Louis, you're certainly the type of person that hugs and kisses the crap out of someone, and isn't afraid who's watching 

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