77 - How he responds to rumors about you

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Liam: "So Liam, have you heard the latest rumor about your lady (Y/N)?" The interviewer stares at Liam, waiting a reply. "They're rumors for a reason, I can't be bothered to see what people make up about her." The interviewer, slightly amused, continues. "It says here she was seen yesterday morning leaving your BEST FRIEND Andy's house. Ouch. Can you say walk of shame? How do you feel about that?" She shows him a picture of you walking down Andy's doorstep and waving to him as you head to your car. "Yes. She was. She actually texted me to ask if it was all right. Her, Andy and a few friends had been hanging out and the weather was really bad with thunderstorms. I'm glad she stayed there for the night, I wouldn't want her driving in that weather." The interviewer looks a bit annoyed at the piece of gossip that's now been turned into a bit of sweetness. "Plus, I trust both of them. My girlfriend and my best friend, I know they would never do anything to hurt me." 

Harry: "So, I heard that (Y/N) has a sex tape? Sources say they've found one," the interviewer looks amused as he reads from his paper. "Does she?" Harry grins with a hint of sarcasm. "Apparently, yes. There isn't quite proof yet..." Harry shrugs. "Well, then. Let me know if you find one, I'd love to see it." The interviewer furrows his eyebrows, "Wait, so there IS a sex tape?" Harry shrugs and shakes his head. "Nope, but I'll be the first to let you know of her future career plans in that industry." 

Louis: "Rumor has it (Y/N) is actually a beard to cover up Larry Stylinson," the interviewer holds the microphone up to Louis with interest. "If my girlfriend is going to be a type of facial hair, can you at least refer to as something nicer? Perhaps a mustache or a goatee..." Louis says, raising an amused eyebrow at the interviewer as the boys laugh. "No, beard as in..." The interviewer, not quite getting it tries to explain. "I can't believe my girlfriend turned into a piece of facial hair without my knowledge," he pretends to cry and the boys are hysterically laughing, the interviewer looking very, very confused. 

Zayn: "So, is it true that (Y/N) has gotten a nose job?" The interviewer reads questions from her cue cards and looks up at Zayn with interest. "No, she was born with that beautiful nose. Plus, even if she did is it really anyone's business?" The interviewer reads the next question. "Is it true that (Y/N) used to work as a waitress at Hooters?" Zayn sighs and shakes his head. "I don't know! I'm sure she could if she wanted to, she's beautiful. Even if she has, what difference does it make? She's perfect no matter what."

Niall: "Did you and (Y/N) really meet in a strip club, Niall?" The interviewer adjusts her hair and looks over to Niall and the boys with curiosity. "Ha! Actually we met summer after high school," he says as the other boys bite back laughter. "Hm? Where did you meet?" Niall shakes his head, keeping full seriousness he starts to sing Katy Perry's catchy tune from which he'd just quoted. "Summer after high school when we first met..." The other boys start joining in, Liam beat boxing as the simple interview turns into an impromptu Katy Perry performance. 

Josh: "Josh! Is it true that (Y/N) is your girlfriend?" A fan calls out to Josh as he walks towards the concert venue of that night. "Yes, she is." he grins. "Is it true that you, (Y/N) and Niall are in a love triangle?" He furrows his eyebrows, looking a bit horrified, not quite used to the crazy shipping and rumors of the fans. "No, it's more of a love pentagon I'd say," he jokes. "PENTAGON? DOES THAT MEAN THERE ARE TWO OTHER PEOPLE...?" the fan looks excited at this supposedly ground breaking news, not catching the sarcasm in his voice. Josh blushes, not realizing his joke would spark such interest. "This is going on tumblr, isn't it?" he nods towards the girl's video camera and shakes his head with a laugh, heading into the venue 

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