99 - How the other boys tease him about you

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Zayn: "Tell me a lie..." he finishes the song during the New York concert and smiles at the crowd. "GIVE IT UP FOR ZAYN!" Liam shouts, earning fierce applause. "Now for the twitter questions!" Harry comments. "First question! If you could be doing anything right now, what would it be?' Niall reads from the screen. Harry looks at Zayn and smiles cheekily. "If Zayn could be doing anything right now, I'm sure it would be (Y/N)," he comments. This earns a HUGE applause and whistles from the crowd, Zayn blushes and bites his lip with a grin. "Harry, I'm going to cut off your hair while you're sleeping," Zayn replies, pretending to chase Harry around the stage with a laugh. 

Liam: "@Real_Liam_Payne care to explain the black lacy bra in your room? Hmmm..?" Harry tweets Liam one day. "@Harry_Styles you must've left it there :p" Liam replies. "@Real_Liam_Payne it appears to be (Y/N)'s bra...daddy direction gettin' it on last night? feisty xx" Liam can't help but blush as he reads the tweets, but he also hopes management doesn't have a field day. "@Harry_Styles I don't kiss & tell ;)" The tweets make the fans go crazy! Soon #(Y/N)GetYourBraBack is trending and you're quite embarrassed. 

Niall: It's the middle of an interview, and the boys have been absolutely teasing the crap out of Niall. "So, do you guys have any special routines or anything you do before shows?" the interviewer asks. "Niall always looks at pictures of (Y/N) before shows," Zayn jokes. "Naked pictures of (Y/N)," Harry chimes in. "And he kisses them," Liam adds. "Like this," Louis pretends to make out with his hand and the boys all laugh. Niall laughs, but blushes. "Not true! Before shows these fellas drive me mad!" Niall chuckles. 

Louis: While Harry does a phone interview, you and Louis talk quietly in the background, laughing at how slow Harry speaks. "So, what are those two doing in the background? We can hear them!" the interviewer laughs. Harry glances over at you two innocently eating pretzels and talking and grins cheekily. "Actually, Louis and (Y/N) are eating fruit off of each other," Harry lies, keeping a serious tone. "(Y/N)! Not the grapes!" The interviewer is shocked. "WHAT? Are you serious?" You and Louis can't help but laugh in the background and shout "No! No!". Harry laughs. "I'm so serious. I think I'm going to go join them. Bye!" he jokes, hanging up the phone and collapsing with laughter. 

Harry: "Harry, how's (Y/N)?" Niall asks, eying Harry as he texts on his phone. "Hmm...?" Harry looks up from his phone, a faint grin on his face. "Ay, you sexting your 'Kitten'?" Louis teases, nudging Harry's arm. Niall laughs and tries to look at Harry's phone. "No! Of course not," Harry smiles, using that voice where he's probably lying. "SEXT IT UP, HARRY. YOU GO, CURLY," Louis jokes, patting Harry's shoulder like a proud father. Harry laughs and shakes his head. 

Josh: During sound check, one of the fans asks Josh a question. Josh looks up, surprised to be acknowledged, considering the other 5 boys are the show. "Josh! How's your girlfriend, (Y/N)?" the fan asks. Josh brightens at your name and his cheeks turn red. "Aww, look at Joshie blush! You made him blush!" Niall says, going over and poking Josh's red cheeks. "Josh and (Y/N) sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G," Louis starts chanting, getting all the fans to chant along. Josh's face is adorably red. "You guys are like a pack of little kids," he laughs. "But anyway, (Y/N) is fantastic. Amazing." He goes back to drumming, still not quite used to the fans knowing all about his personal life.

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