chapter 43

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This type of text is normal.

This is thoughts and cinematic records.

This is demonic speech.

This is thoughts and demonic speech.

[This is functions for the start and end of cinematic records.]

                                                               Bedewed Butler. Melodious Bride

Ciel sat on the bench, blue eye staring silently up at Sebastian. Sebastian's eyes glowed as he drew closer to the boy.

"And now..."

Ciel closed his eyes. Sebastian licked his lips, placed his ungloved fingers on his child's chin and tilted it up.

A loud crash of a bell rang out over the silence. The raven flew away at the sound. Sebastian's eyes stopped glowing, a coldness ran over him as his hand dropped from Ciel's face. Ciel's head drooped, his eyes remained closed. The demon's body trembled as he stared down at the boy, his boy.

"What is this?!"

The three purple-haired butlers chased after Sebastian as he held Ciel in his arms. They were armed with household items, including a ladder of all things, as weapons. The demon ducked out of the way of a pair of metal tongs that were attacking his head.

"Group attack!" Claude ordered the triplets. "Welcome to the fierce raking from Hell!"

The triplets ran in circles around Ciel and Sebastian. The two of them watched the one with the ladder leapt into the air, another used the tongs to trap Sebastian's ankle. The rungs of the ladder held Sebastian in place like a cage. The third butler aimed a hatchet at his head. Alois smirked as it grew closer.

It happened so quickly. Sebastian broke free of the trappings, destroyed the ladder and knocked the hatchet out of the way, while he sent the butlers flying before safely landing on a tree branch above their heads.

"Good show," he said. "You're all exceptionally skilled."

The butlers scrambled to pick up their destroyed weapons. Sebastian leapt out of the tree and ran away. Two butlers chased after him, while the one with the hatchet attacked from the front. The demon ducked swiftly out of the way and continued to run, smiling down at his child as he went. He remembered how he ran through the forest that day...

Sebastian ran through the trees, leaping from branch to branch. His black trunk was in hand, carrying his precious cargo.

"It was like carrying a doll. Running virtually unburdened," he said softly.

Ciel looked up at him.

"Did you say something?" he asked.

"Only it would be far, far easier to carry you if you were in some sort of container, like a trunk I'd say." Sebastian replied.

"Is this any time to be joking?" Ciel retorted.

"My apologies, my child."

They were running towards Alois and Claude. Alois clapped his hands gleefully as they approached at top speed. Claude moved to act as a barrier between them, and Sebastian spun around and back flipped over them. He landed in a crouch and continued running. Alois stared after them with wide eyes, he turned to Claude's back and clutched at his tailcoat.

"Sebastian's amazing," he said. "You know, Claude, I think he may be even better than you. We should force him to crawl on his belly like a dog. What do you think? Can you make that happen, Claude?"

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