chapter 3

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This type of text is normal.

This is thoughts, dreams, and cinematic records.

This is demonic speech.

This is demonic speech in thoughts and dreams.

[This is functions for the start and end of cinematic records.]

                                                               Butler, Omnipotent. Bride, Dancing

The month of September was in full swing for the likes of Phantomhive manor, but to say things were peaceful at the country home of the Queen's Guard Dog would be a complete lie. It wasn't through any fault of their own, but life for the staff of the household was never easy, despite having a demon butler at the head of it all. In other words, explosions, breakages and garden disasters were common occurrences, but this time it wasn't actually the fault of anyone who worked for Ciel. For once, Bard, MeyRin and Finny were completely innocent. It was another who was causing the mess this time...

In the peace of the household, a scream destroyed the semblance of silence. A tea trolley moving at top speed down one of the corridors, with Madame Red's butler Grell along for the ride, was heading straight for the dining room, where all the servants and Ciel had gathered. Sebastian had just pulled out the Master's chair for him to take a seat when Grell crashed through the door and collided with Finny. Everything shattered to the floor, and a cup of boiling hot tea spilled down the front of the gardener's shirt.

"AAAAAHHH! HOT! HOT! HOT!" Finny screamed.

Marianne couldn't understand how Grell managed to get out of the situation without injury, other than a spinning head. When Grell came to, he realised what had happened and rushed over to Finny.

"Oh my! I'm so, so sorry!" he cried.

He tried to grab onto a napkin on the table, but ended up taking the tablecloth with it, along with the entirety of Ciel's meal. Marianne sighed heavily.

Great... More work for me. She complained to herself.

Ciel rolled his eye in exasperation. Bard went over and whispered in his ear.

"Master, why did you agree to take on this useless idiot?"

The boy arched a brow.

"You're one to talk, Bard," he deadpanned. "It didn't seem like such a bad idea."

He remembered what his aunt said when she asked him this favour.

"Oh Ciel darling, I have a problem. Grell is hopelessly incompetent. Could you do me a tiny favour and have Sebastian train him to be a decent butler? He's doing such an excellent job with Edward after all. You can't refuse your favourite aunt, can you?"

He sighed.

"I thought Sebastian would be the only one inconvenienced. I never expected I would be effected as well."

Tanaka took a sip of his tea.

"Ho, ho, ho."

Grell apologised profusely to Finny, Bard and MeyRin, who were glaring at him, making him feel so small.

"I have no idea how I am meant to atone..." An idea struck him like lightning. "Wait! The only thing I can do now is die! I shall atone with my death!"

Out of nowhere, he pulled out a long knife, and aimed it at his neck. Bard made an effort to stop him.

"Whoa! Hold on a second!" he cried.

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