chapter 16

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This type of text is normal.

This is thoughts and cinematic records.

This is demonic speech.

This is thoughts and demonic speech.

[This is functions for the start and end of cinematic records.]

                                           Butler, Supremely Talented. Bride, Courting

"This makes twenty victims so far!"

"This is the son of the King of Bengal. Soma Asman Kadar."

"Agni is deadly, but he is human enough."

"With strength like that, he could easily hang those men upside-down."

"There are some things you can never get back. No matter how hard you struggle."

"You're going to take me to Hell?"

"As our bond grows stronger, you will be closer and closer to becoming a demon."

Marianne remembered all these sentences as she sat on the rooftop beside Sebastian. Watching Agni go from the estate was expected by the demon butler.

 He nipped Marianne on the cheek with a smirk, and swung himself down to the view of the open parlor window, much in the manner of a bat with how he remained upside-down.

"How are you doing that?" Marianne whispered in awe.

Sebastian merely smiled and turned his gaze to Ciel as he sat by the parlour window.

"Young Master, he has made his move," he said.

Ciel got to his feet.

"Good. Let's follow him."

"Take me with you!" cried a voice.

Ciel turned to see Soma standing at the door.

"You? Why?" he asked.

The prince nodded his head and explained.

"I know that Agni has been sneaking out after I fall asleep. I want to know what he has been up to. That is my right!"

The boy and his demon looked at one another, and then back to Soma.

It wasn't long before Ciel, Sebastian, Marianne, Soma, and Lau stood watching Agni enter through the gates of a large mansion from an alleyway.

"A nice place... Who lives here?" Soma asked.

"This estate belongs to Harold West Jeb," Ciel explained. "He imports a wide range of goods from India. He also owns various stores, coffeehouses, and the like. I've met him once. He's disgustingly obsessed with his social status."

Marianne agreed with his assessment, having had to stand in the same room as him during the meeting. A pompous prat as there ever was one, in her honest opinion, and held too much love for branded names for her liking.

"People have been trussed up at one of his businesses and hung upside-down. Mr. West happened to away at the time, however, so fortunately for him he managed to escape unharmed." Sebastian told them.

The girl tapped her lip in thought.

"Makes you wonder if it was intentional or not. But it could also be coincidence," she muttered.

The Demons Bride (Black Butler)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz