chapter 12

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 This type of text is normal.

This is thoughts and cinematic records.

This is demonic speech.

This is thoughts and demonic speech.

[This is functions for the start and end of cinematic records.]

                                                           Butler, On Ice. Bride, Ice Skating

Snow fell from the dark night sky in flowing chunks. The air was cold and crisp as the ice crunched loudly beneath the feet of the passers-by. The Thames was close to freezing over.

 A man ran along one side of the river, a gun clutched tightly in his hand. As his panting breaths came out in white puffs from his mouth, a trio of men were chasing after him.

"Run faster! We can't let him get away!" the leader shouted. "Tim knows how hard we worked to steal that thing! Let's go get it back!"

The man reached the London Bridge and looked down at the object he had clenched so painfully in his hand. A silver ring with an emerald cut blue jewel stared back at him, its depths flowed and twisted like rising smoke as he laughed maniacally.

"No one will have it. This is my ring now."

From behind him, someone spoke up.

"No. I don't think so," they said. "You do not deserve that ring."

They extended a hand and shot invisible strings from their fingers. Tangling around his wrists, ankles, and along with his back, they tightened and begun to shed blood.

"The Hope Piece is in search of a worthy master, you see. You do not fit that description."

The strings tightened even further, shredding through the man's body. His dying screams rang through the London night as his bleeding body staggered and stumbled over the balustrade of the bridge and into the Thames below.

The trio of criminals watched what happened.

"He jumped off the bridge."

"That fool."

The following day, the Thames had completely frozen.

"Ladies and gentlemen, gather round! The Frost Fair hasn't happened in almost eighty years! Don't miss your chance!"

The Frost Fair was an event that could only happen when the Thames was the equivalent of an ice rink. Many stalls were set up in a manner similar to an Asian bazaar, the atmosphere was full to bursting with life.

"Impressive," said Sebastian. "The Frost Fair is certainly an apt title for it."

He, Ciel and Marianne were walking along the ice, bundled in their winter clothes. The demon had his long black coat on over his uniform with his black gloves. Marianne was the same and had it paired with her black baker's cap on top of her wig.

 Ciel, however, wore a long dark blue cloak trimmed with white fur around the edge and buckled under his chin with a brown leather belt. The boy was hunched on the shoulders as he walked, desperate to escape the cold.

"A large gathering held at the foot of the London Bridge when the Thames freezes over," Ciel explained.

They glanced over the festivities.

"From what I have been told, it hasn't been held for several decades now. Not since 1814 apparently."

Meanwhile, Elizabeth walked through the stalls, garbed in a pretty pink dress, coat, and bonnet.

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