chapter 8

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This type of text is normal.

This is thoughts and cinematic records.

This is demonic speech.

This is thoughts and demonic speech.

[This is functions for the start and end of cinematic records.]

                                               Butler, Merrymaking. Bride, Cohabitation

Riding through a barren landscape when on the zenith of autumn was chilling. The entirety of the Phantomhive household was traveling through the dismal countryside, two carriages loaded up with bags and people trotted along the dirt road; Sebastian at the reins in the first carriage with Ciel and Marianne sat behind him, and the second packed with the others, driven by Tanaka.

"Holiday! Holiday! We're going on holiday!" the servant trio sang.

All of them bundled up in warm clothes, and out of uniform, they were gleeful at the idea of leaving the mansion for what they thought was a well-deserved holiday.

"This is so exciting!" Finny exclaimed. "I can't believe it!"

"Spectacular!" cried Meyrin. "He's actually bringing us! We get to go on holiday at the Queen's own resort!"

Bard smiled as he blew smoke from his cigarette.

"Looks like the Young Master can be very generous when the spirit moves him, eh?"

The gardener and maid agreed.

With Sebastian, Ciel, and Marianne, the atmosphere was much more somber. The boy sat in his seat wrapped in a black cloak tied with a blue ribbon, his cane resting on his knees and his attire a blue ensemble.

 Sebastian and Marianne were similarly garbed in black coats and gloves. Marianne also had a new black baker's cap on her head, a gift from the demon since her old brown one had been ruined. Actually, her old clothes were impossible to use, the blood just wouldn't come out...

Sebastian gave a shit-eating smile to his passengers.

"Do you hear how happy they are?" he asked. "They're very grateful to you. Such a kind Young Master."

Ciel scoffed.

"I couldn't leave them alone. We might have come home to find the manor in shambles."

Marianne fisted her gloved hands and shuddered against the cold October wind.

"That actually sounds better than where we're going. They don't know what they're letting themselves in for," she murmured.

The boy merely tapped her hand with the tip of his cane, merely a prod to let her know it would be dealt with quickly.

It wasn't long before they rolled up in front of a sign made of rotting wood. A crow sat on top of it, along with a spiked metal dog collar and chain dangling over the wood. The words 'Welcome to Houndsworth' stared back at the travelers.

"It seems that we've arrived at the village," Sebastian said.

The trio behind them started out at the village and was dismayed at the sight before them. From an old grey tree, several dog collars hung and blew in the wind like rattling chains.

 Dog skulls were half-heartedly covered with dirt, leaving their empty eye sockets to stare back at the weary travelers who came their way.

 An eerie wind whistled through the air. Bard, Finny, and Meyrin screamed. Marianne glanced at Ciel and caught him chuckling for a moment before he composed himself and spoke.

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