chapter 10

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This type of text is normal.

This is thoughts and cinematic records.

This is demonic speech.

This is thoughts and demonic speech.

[This is functions for the start and end of cinematic records.]


                                                         Butler, Surprising. Bride, Celebration

When the first day of November encroached on the inhabitants of the Phantomhive Manor, there were many things that needed to be done. Sebastian surveyed the manor with a discerning eye, silhouetted against the rising sun of the new day. Everyone inside the house was sleeping and weren't scheduled to wake up for at least another hour.

 The Young Master had requested Marianne be allowed to sleep in. Of course, the demon understood why. Being the kind and considerate Master that he was, Ciel was obligated to allow his servants a day off to celebrate the day of their birth, as was the case with Marianne that day.

Sebastian smiled. His beloved mate was nineteen today, so he would awaken her at a later hour than usual. Many things had been planned, and the servants had used what time off they had that month to get presents for the girl. His would unquestionably be given in private. And he was looking forward to seeing the smile on her face.

Still, there was much to be done, and it was time to wake up the other servants. The demon only hoped they didn't cause too much havoc on this special day. His wrath upon their imbecilic souls would know no rival...

When Sebastian entered the servants' quarters, he clapped his hands. The sound boomed like thunder around the room and followed by the screams of Bard and Finny as they bolted from their beds.

"Whazzat...! Are we being' attacked?" Bard yelled, pulling his portable flamethrower out from under his pillow and aiming it around the room.

Finny shook his head sleepily and fell out of his bed with a thud.

"Is it mornin' already...?" he asked.

The demon, who had moved to pick up the awoken Tanaka by his nightshirt collar, glanced at the two men, clearly still half-asleep.

"You are aware what day it is, are you not?" said Sebastian. "Be sure to wake up Meyrin before joining me down in the kitchen. There is much to be done."

He left before they could say anything back at him, not that they ever would...

Washed and dressed, Bard, Finny, Meyrin, and Tanaka entered the kitchen with slight apprehension. Sebastian was looking at them all with a serious expression on his face.

"As you may already be aware, it is Marianne's birthday today and the Master has allowed a small party to be arranged in celebration. I have awoken you earlier than usual in order for you to have time to complete your chores before the party.

 I suggest you get them done as efficiently as possible, for I will be taking Marianne away from the manor so that you can set up the decorations prepared.

 For the day, I must entrust the Young Master to your care. I have left instructions for you to follow, and I expect them to be followed to the letter, am I clear?"

The servant trio saluted the butler.

"Sir, yes Sir!"

Marianne blinked her eyes, drifting out of her slumber, and ran a hand through the bangs hanging messily against her forehead. She groaned and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Nineteen; she was nineteen.

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