chapter 45

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This type of text is normal.

This is thoughts and cinematic records.

This is demonic speech.

This is thoughts and demonic speech.

[This is functions for the start and end of cinematic records.]

                                                                   Deathly Butler. Armed Bride

A crisp morning in the summer was started by the daily newspaper. Ciel was reading it in his study as Sebastian stood beside him, reciting his schedule for the day.

"At noon, you have the company's regular meeting. And at two 'o' clock, your dance lesson with Mrs Hyde begins. Followed by your Political Studies lesson with Professor McMillan. That's all you have for the day, Ciel."

Marianne assisted Sebastian with the food trolley, smoothing her grey day dress as she stood up from her seat. Ciel didn't look up from his paper.

"Fine," he said.

The woman nodded to the silver tray still sat on the trolley.

"One more thing," said Sebastian, picking up the tray and placing it down before the boy. On top of it was an white envelope with a dark red seal. "We received this."

Ciel peered over the top of his paper. The Trancy seal glared back at him, the spider's eight legs disappearing into the furls of wax.

He picked up a letter opener, and sliced through the seal. Marianne turned to Sebastian and moved the lapels of his tailcoat, staring emotionlessly at the black rose in his breast pocket. The demon stroked her back without a word. Ciel pulled the letter out of the envelope and began to read.

On behalf of the Count Alois Trancy, I write to Lord Ciel Phantomhive this day to apologise for my master's discourtesy at the ball the other day and request your most honoured presence at the ball to be held here at the Trancy mansion tomorrow afternoon at four 'o' clock...

He ripped the paper in half, and then into quarters before he dropped the pieces on his desk. His eye glared coldly out in front of him, as though the blond boy stood in the very room.

"Alois Trancy, I will kill you."

One time, while exploring the archives of Scotland Yard, Sebastian was reading through a collection of casefiles.

"Incidents in the English Underworld that most greatly offend the Queen are judged in darkness by the Phantomhive family; The Queen's Guard Dogs." Sebastian explained. "They are then erased in darkness by the Trancy family; the Queen's Spiders."

The trio were sat upon a train, taking them deep into the country.

"Both houses had the Queen's trust as her villainous nobles." Ciel said. "However, that distinction wasn't enough for Alois Trancy."

They stood on a grassy hill, talking to a farmer for information.

"Not only that, but now the two heads of house have demons in their employ. A rivalry would have immediately sparked, at least in Alois's mind, especially with that Claude Faustus whispering things in his ear." Marianne muttered. "What are the chances that he is using that boy to meet his own goals? Taking your memories and openly challenging us for a chance at another revenge? He has set Alois up as the perfect target for you, making him out as the one who caused your parents' deaths and for burning the mansion to the ground the first time."

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