chapter 18

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This type of text is normal.

This is thoughts and cinematic records.

This is demonic speech.

This is thoughts and demonic speech.

[This is functions for the start and end of cinematic records.]

                                                         Butler, Presenting. Bride, Protective

"Someone... Someone..." Ciel muttered, his head upon his knees as he sat in the cage, covered with nothing but his soiled shirt.

The eyes of the cult members stared back at him behind their masks.

"Anyone, I don't care... Just..."

Marianne struggled and fought as he was brought to the altar. She screamed along with him when the dagger was slammed into his abdomen, a fountain of scarlet gushing from his mouth.

"You have summoned me here." Sebastian said, completely shrouded in his demon form. "That can never be changed, and nothing sacrificed can be regained."

He smirked, magenta eyes glinting in the blackness of his face.

"Now choose."

Ciel willingly took the demon's hand. His right eye streamed with blood as the contract mark became emblazed upon his iris.


Sebastian dressed within the confines of his room, tightening his tie and pulling on his tailcoat.

"A butler's mornings begin early."

He pulled on a pair of clean white gloves.

"He must start work before anyone else, ironing his master's newspaper and preparing the morning tea."

The demon performed those tasks, and went out to the back door to fuss the black cat that lurked outside. Along the way, he awakened Marianne and waited patiently for her to come out.

"Good morning," she said with a smile, kissing his cheek.

"Of course, a butler does take time for his mate when he can."

Sebastian smiled.

"Shall we?"

Together they made their way down the corridor with the tea trolley.

"A butler does his utmost to ensure that his master enjoys a consistent and comfortable daily life."

They walked into Ciel's bedchamber. Marianne went over to open the curtains while Sebastian delivered the trolley to the boy's bedside. Ciel was sound asleep, almost looking cherub-like in slumber.

"That is the butler aesthetic!"

The demon bowed low over his master.

"It is time to wake up, Young Master."

Ciel groaned from his slumber, blinking his sleepy eyes irritably and pulling himself upright with a grunt. Marianne poured a cup of tea for him and placed it in his hands as Sebastian gathered a blanket from the cupboard.

"Ceylon, hmm?"

The demon chuckled.

"Sharp as ever. I brought you Ringtons today."

He wrapped the blanket around Ciel's shoulders and gave him the newspaper. Ciel was quiet as he read, sipping his tea. The main story was on a businessman who had acquired a long established tea manufacturer.

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