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"Peter Parker! Where are you! You said you would be home by 6 o'clock young man! It is 6:30!" I sigh and reply, "It is! Sorry Aunt May, I guess I lost track of time, I was too busy studying... I will home from the library soon okay" I hand up and swing to an alley way near my home and grab my backpack that was webbed to a wall. I quickly get changed and run to my house not wanting to get scolded more my my Aunt.

I enter the house and run up to my room quickly. "I'll be right down for dinner Aunt May as soon as I take a shower!" I quickly take a shower making sure to put my binder on my bed. After I dry off I Put on a pair of joggers and a shirt with a science pun on it (I would make a joke about sodium, but Na). I hurry down stairs and greet Aunt May. We eat and I go back up stairs. I stitch up and repair my suit and go to bed.

"Peter get up! Your going to be late for school!" I groan but get up. I pout a little as a shoo her out of the room so I can get dressed. I put my binder on and grab a pair of jeans from my closet along with another science pun shirt (If the Silver Surfer and Iron Man team up, they'd be alloys). I laugh a little at the shirt and I put it on.

-time skip to school-

"Haha tranny!" Flash slams me into the lockers. He slams me into them again and lets me drop to the ground. He kicks me in the stomach knocking the wind out of me. I claw at the ground trying to breath while the binder doesn't help at all. He soon leaves and I go to the nurse asking to go home early. She gladly let me, I'm on her good side.

There is still two hours left of school so I will use that time to do some patrolling. The wounds I received yesterday were all ready healed and were now red marks on my skin that would go way in another few hours. I walk to a grocery store and buy some food since I'm always hungry. I go down an alleyway to change into my suit that is in a hidden compartment in my bag. I spidey senses go off and I quickly turn around.

"Look what we got here boys!" Three large men walk into the alley way with large grins on their faces. Man I'm having a shitty day.... As they get closer my senses practically yell at me to run, so I do, or at least try to. One of them grab me by the back of the shirt and pull me back. I gasp and duck when one tries to punch me, but then the other pulls out a gun and aims it at my head. I stay still, should I use my powers... No, that would risk getting me exposed. I watch as one goes through my backpack only to dig out homework assignments and text books. "This kid doesn't have anything!" He throws my bag against the wall.

Another one goes through my pockets, only to find my wallet that had my student ID and five dollars. "Guys check this out!" They all look at the ID and laugh giving each other evil looks, "Haha, hi there #####" I look at the ground when he says my dead name. "Wait so that's a tranny?" One chuckles and replies, "I guess, but there is one way we can find out..." He smirks and grips the groin of my pants. I shiver goes down my spine as I feel disgusted. "It feels like something is down there?" "Well lets find out." One lifts up my shirt to reveal my tan chest binder and laughs. They then continue by pulling down my pants revealing my boxers.

They begin to pull down my boxers but out of reflex I kicked the person in front of me and he flew into the wall. Damn it that was harder than I expected. They look at me while pushing the gun harder onto my head. It's now or never I thought. "What the hell is going on here?" Too late to stop, my plan is already in motion...

Time slows down a little as I quickly hit the gun out of the guys hands and try to kick him a little more gently than I did his friend. He feel down and groaned. I then grabbed the last ones hand and brought it behind his back before 'gently' slamming him into the wall. He fell to the ground cursing. I take deep breaths trying to calm my breathing. I turn around and see two adults there with shocked expressions.

There aren't just any adults though, One is Steve Rogers (aka captain america) and Tony Stark (aka iron man). "You should shut your mouth kid before you catch some flys... and uh *awkward cough* pull up your pants." My face goes even redder when I look down to see that my pants were down, and oh gawd. My packer shifted so it looks like i'm hard... I blush even more and quickly pull up my pants. Whelp, awkward silence moment is broken my Steve. "Are you alright? We were driving by and noticed what was happening and came to help, though it seems like you handled it..." He looks around referring to the three men on the ground. "U-uh ya... Th-thanks for coming to help." I rub my arm while looking off to the side beat red. Can this get any more embarrassing? I hear a chuckle from Tony, "Nice shirt kid, now common Steve we will be late for our meeting with eye patch if we don't hurry up." They say 'goodbye' and soon leave. I take that as my chance to fix my little problem down there.

I grab all my stuff and walk to another alley way leaving the men there. I change and climb up the building before changing and jumping back down to the men. "Damn Mr Bad guys! You look like you got beaten up bad!" I web the men together to the wall leaving and saying, "Take the two hours my web takes to dissolve to bond and talk about what you did wrong!"

I climb back up to wall and sit on the roof of the building eating the food I bought from the grocery store. My spidey senses go off showing the police arriving. They're probably here to get those guys I webbed to the wall. I decide to swing around the city for a while longer since there is still an hour before I have to go home.


I swing to another alley seeing a girl being robbed. "Ah come guys! Leave the lovely lady alone! What she ever do to you?" The guy turns his head around and takes a step back when he sees me. He curses and shoots at me. I doge it and web his hand to the wall. I finish webbing him to the wall and turn to the woman. "Call the police okay?" I swing away before the damn police show again, they get annoying.

I lay on roof staring up at the sky, bored out my mind. Why does it have to be so cold... I don't have a jacket either... I hear something and hide behind a billboard. I see iron man land and look around. "Bruce are you sure he is here? I don't see him..." Is he looking for me?

"Well he clearly isn't here now..." Common spidey don't do it.... Aaand ima gonna do it...

I climb up and sit on the billboard, swinging my legs like a child. "Hey there tin can! You look a little lost!" He turns around and sees me. "Ah! There you are!" I put on a hand on my chest and act flattered, "Iron man was looking for little ol' me!?" He sighs, "Yes please inform them he is here" I turn my head to the side, he must be talking to Bruce... Soon after the others get there, such as captain america, hawkeye, and black widow.

"What's this all about..." I say getting a little serious and worried, are they here to arrest me? I know S.H.I.E.L.D has been trying to arrest me for the past month. "We want you to join the avengers spider boy." Clint (hawkeye) says with boredom in his voice. I roll my eyes under my mask. "It's spider-MAN for your information... and no." Iron man looks at me, "What?" Captain America steps in, "Listen spiderman, we would like you to join the avengers, you can either say yes and spare us the trouble, or say no and have us force you..."

"Did the eye patch dude put you up to this?" They all nod their heads. "Sorry, but no thanks, I would rather-" I get cut off my phone going off, everyone looks at me with faces that say, 'Really...' I hold up a finger and pull my mask above my mouth and answer the phone. "Hello?"

"Peter where the hell are you? School ended an hour ago!" I put hand over the speaker and groan, "Sorry I forgot to tell you, but I'm at the library right now returning my books, I'll be home right away after I'm finished, oh! I'm up next! See you later!" I hang up phone and give off a annoyed sigh. I look towards the avengers who are currently just staring at me.

"Listen can we like, maybe wrap this up? Spiders don't like the cold, especially when they're only in spandex."

Word Count: 2446


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