Dear Diary: Forty-Eight

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Levi's Point of View: Rmellis

The sky was casted over with darkened clouds throughout the miserable day and it seemed to reflex on my mood as it did. It was like a snowy storm was heading our way with the wispy breeze and curled up birds- but you could see behind the thickness of the storm-brewing clouds that the sun was glowing through ever so slightly. It was a moggy day, not the best with the chilliness in the air- it was like the weather couldn't make it's mind up whether it wanted to be hot or cold.

Though, I wasn't complaining. I couldn't stand heated days, they were far too much for me. With my wardrobe black and full of darkened colours of clothes; it the sun would be fixated on melting me. So, grateful there was no sun, I looked up out of the glass door in wait of the managers arrival. I was late out of work, like normal. But money was money so I wasn't to moan. Pounding on how long I'd have to wait to receive my pay, my thoughts were answered as a tall blonde haired male entered from out back into the room.

"Levi," he greeted, calling my tired-self over. Dragging one foot behind the other, I gormlessly looked at him. "You're looking under the weather lately, you feeling okay? Wouldn't want you making the other staff members and customers sick now would we?"

There. A flicker. There was a flicker of sympathy in the mans words- or so I thought until he was only seeing if he could get rid of me or not. "Just fine, Sir. Rough night," I state. "I should be off, I've got mocks this week and need to be studying for straight A's," I lie to the oblivious man.

"Right," he murmurs, holding out an envelope. "I wouldn't have kept you waiting for so long if you'd just let me transfer the payment money into you weekly or monthly online. It's more hassle than need be doing this." Frowning, he adds, "So, what do you say?"

"No can do," I cut him off quickly- knowing that the bank details he had a hold of was those of my Uncles. "I need that money every chance I get it." He snarls and slowly moves his hands forwards as if waiting for me to be like; 'oh no, keep the money, I don't want it.' But, my sympathy was obviously as good as his as I take it from his hands. "Thanks," I mutter, "I'll be off now."

"Oh, Levi." I hum in acknowledgment. "I won't need you in Tuesday and Thursday. I have Zeke, an intern, stepping in for you on them days. But the Wednesday and following Saturday I'll need you in because the two behind the register are going on a sick leave."

First you Uncle, now him. Wait a go Levi, everyone's blowing you off.

"Hey, excuse me?" A woman's voice rang through my ears. I wanted to yell at her to go away, that we are busy. To tell her that without this job I'm hopeless and have nothing to live off of. But I'm not that cold and heartless. So, turning to face her- hearing the bosses footsteps vanish behind me, I grunt in her direction. "I'm sorry for bothering you, but I'm looking for some earrings. Not real silver- I was hoping you sold sterling silver in here? Do you know where about I'll find them?"

Turning on my heels, I point to several books stacked up on the counter. "There's a catalogue over there which can be ordered in, only those that are on display are in stock right now and can be brought today. If you go over to were the blonde male is now, he'll get the rack out for you of sterling's."

Smiling brightly, relief was seen on her expression. "Thank you so much. I've been searching the streets for ages now and never thought I'd find a good jewellery shop. It's my little ones birthday next week and she asked only now for one thing she really wanted and they were diamond studs."

"We've got plenty in, we've sold two already so you might want to get in there fast. But the next batch should be delivered in tonight so if you can't find any, just ask that man and he'll direct you on what to do." Nodding happily, she giggled- sweaty and flustered before jogging off to the male hurriedly. Sighing heavily, I eyed the my phone- "Ten past four... I should make it in time."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2018 ⏰

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