Dear Diary: Ten

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Levi's Point of View: Ryoko4848

Watching the kid speed past me, I stayed in my position; recapturing the moment.

Large, bright, green orbs of eyes look right through me the minute their chocolate brown strands of hair are brushed out of this face. His soft, sun kissed, warm hands parts way from my own, a noise - unknown to me and never heard before — erupts from my throat.

Eyeing the hand that pleads to regain its last warmth, I sigh — lost in myself of what to do since the younger male vanished from my sight and slipped from my grip.

Stepping forwards, my mind lost, Automatically freezing when my foot comes down upon something. 

Not wishing to stand on an unknown object in fear it being something absolutely disgusting and unsanitary — I leaned down for the small but thick book that lay abandoned on the school grounds. 

Looking around me at first for any sign of someone coming back to receive it, I lifted myself and the book up; eyeing it in curiosity. That was until I flipped open the first page and instantly shut it when noticing the bold, un-hidden, words of; 'Dear Diary.


"You sure did take your time," Erwin points out. "Thought you were going out for some fresh air, get lost by any chance?"

Shaking my head, my bag being placed under the two seater table which me and Erwin share, I slide myself onto a black, uncomfortable, seat. Erwin already being seated and having this equipment placed out at the ready.

Noticing this attention still concentrated on me and only me for answers, I roll my eyes at him. 

"Tch, I just got caught up on some idiotic kid who didn't bother looking where he was going in the hallway." Thinking, and thinking wrong at that, that that was all he wished to know, his just nodded, persistent for me to get on with the story. "Why do you care? What did you think I was up to?"

"Do you seriously need me to answer that for you?" Bringing my chair in further under the table by the back of my heels, I grunted out this nickname along with a curse. "How do I to know you didn't do anything?" He says, wiggling his worm for eyebrows. "You aren't known as 'Bad-ass Ackerman,' for no reasons, so somethings must 'ave gone on, am I wrong?"

My eyes tiredly close, "No, the only reason I'm called that is because everyone is either to chickened out by me to challenge me, doesn't give a fuck, or is just too weak. That's not my fault now, is it?" I moan. "And C'mon Erwin, common sense - you might want to get it sometime. The kid simply walked into me, I helped him up and boom... here I am."

"Um-hum," he hums, not believing me. "And... nothing else happened after that?" I shook my head slowly, "nothing at all?"

"Nothing, now will you shut up? I've got a headache." I grumbled, his arms coming up in surrender.

"Alright, alright. If you say so," and even though I can't see him, I know, I know too well, that there's a smirk printed on this face. And oh was I right. "I know something happened," he whispers in my ear, proudly.

"OK! OK! Please, settle down now!" The main tutor of our year eleven class, enters in on through the single, wooden door - a stack of papers piled up, cradled within his arms. "So, first thing first, how was all your weekends'?"

Zoning the tutor out, head rested in arms, and my left cheek squished to my arm; I peel open my eyes, looking up at Erwin. His smirk now an excited smile. I know, even with this eyes on the teacher and this face facing away from me, that the smile is meant for me and I can't help but tell him to 'fuck off,' when seeing it.

Deeply chuckling, he finishes his last words before beginning the lesson properly, by thrillingly saying; "...and I will find out."

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