Dear Diary: Eighteen

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Levi's Point of View: Ryoko4848/Rmellis

I admire the kid, more than I should. No one in this school has the bollocks to ask for help, if I were to give it, they'd willingly allow me to do it, but never would they ask for it. Leaning in onto the table, my elbows resting forwards; I eyed him questioningly. My lips tugged upwards more than it should, but I was quickly about to straighten my lips out before it became noticed.

Biting my lip I held back a comment like — "You tell me, can I possibly help you?" — and just pushed my chair back. Using my weight against the table, I brought myself to my feet slowly. Sighing, though not because I was helping him, but because I had to move from my previous comfortable position, I shuffled around the table.

He was no more than six feet away, so I tiredly hooked my arms on a spare chair south-east from him and dragged it besides him. Scoffing in amusement when the blond tensed yet again, I spun my chair around until the backrest faced my way. 

Saddling the chair and hooking my legs around what's supposed to be the back feet of the chair, I leant inwards; resting my chin upon my arms that crossed over the backrest comfortably.

"Sure thing brat," I nod. "First things first, did you understand the first question?" I ask, pointing my finger out to the question I'd already explained to him.

Patiently waiting for an answer, I allowed my eyes to observe the other nine pop-quiz questions, my shoulder resting against his while I read them thoroughly. I knew most of them, some I'd already gone through years ago; there was only one or two I'm unsure about and would need to re-memorize for him.

Seconds ticked on the clock at the far corner of the room, my eyes locked on him. That was all until an unimpressed gurgle echoed in my throat; him openly admitting to me the truth. "I'm kind of... not that great with remembering things."

"Alright then," I say to myself. "You don't have any problems do you? Like Dyslexia, Autism, Short term memory, or something other than any of them, do you?"

"Not that I'm aware of... but nobody really took me to get checked...." He slowly replied.

"That's cool. Just checking, I'm here if you need." I shrug. "So, is it just this first question - the one I'd already gone through with you - or all of them?" I ask, a brow raised.

Waiting, only for a while, he shamefully whispered; "...all of the questions."

"That's fine," I nodded. "Like I said, ask if you need help. And so you did, which is why I'm so fortunate in being here." I spoke, sarcasm in my voice.

Leaning back in my chair, stopping when a horse-like male was noticed staring at us, diagonal from our table, I gave him a 'fucking-weirdo-what-you-looking-at-look' before carrying on what I was doing. Once my own pencil was in my hand, and, with ease (not), I managed to pull my bag from under my table to my feet.

"Oi kid, who stood on the horse's tail over there?" I blantly ask. "Seems rather pissed to me, need some hay or something to chew on? Look's to me it's you who've got up his ass though," I point out. "Sure is giving you the evils." I say, looking over at him while my hand roots away in my Mary-fucking-Poppins bag. "Where the Hell is- Ah, finally. Found it."

Tugging out a thin, navy blue, exercise book, which was hidden underneath the large diary I'd picked up earlier, I threw it down upon his table. Zipping back up the bag and kicking it under the chair with no chair, I shuffled the chair more in; closer to him.

"Anyways, where were we?" Biting my tongue in a thinking way, I made a noise of knowledge. "Oh, I remember. Okay, so, let's start from the beginning shall we?" I suggest, opening up the first paper to my exercise book and tapping my pencil down to its page straight away. "Let's beginning again. This here—" I neatly drew and scribbled notes as I went along with the tutoring, —"is an equator..."


The lesson past like a snail. Though, that wasn't a bad thing. We'd just completed and gone over the second to last question by the time the bell had gone off and everyone hurriedly exited the class. The blonde male had paused in his steps in-front of our table once he'd packed up, intensively eyeing Eren's work.

"I'm going to a chess club after school, feel like coming along?" The boy shyly spoke, fiddling with the hem of his jumper. A glint of hope in his eyes. "I mean... you don't have to..."

Looking up at the boy, Eren sent him a hum and responded to the male. "I would, but I have quite a few things to be doing today... sorry Armin."

With that, the male left the room like the rest of the students. Packing away the equipment we managed to messily spread around the entire table, I stood — hooking the heavy bag over my shoulder.

"What did you think of that?" I quizzed. "Still think you need more help or are you cool now?"

"Mr Ackerman." The teacher butted in.

"What?" I snapped.

"Ehem. Excuse me, that is no way to talk to a teacher."

"And that's—" I said with a sassy tone, — "no way to talk to a student. How's it all you teachers are all high a mighty that if we start talking during class, we get pissed on by your mouths. Yet when we talk, your big gobs can butt in like it's nothing."

High and Mighty my ass, she was a flipping midget. "Mr. Ackerman," she scrolled, "I do not expect that sort of language to come from someone like you." I scoffed, she must have gotten the wrong person. "You're meant to play part as a role model to the grades beneath you who look up at you. Do you really enjoy embarrassing yourself with such stupidity."

"Tch. Look up at me alright. You on tip-toes or something, you hardly reach my nose."

"That's it, you and Eren over there will be in all break. I hope you're happy now Ackerman. One, you miss your break and two, two crosses are going on your report card."

"Wow, and they call me the Bad-ass." I snort, flopping back in my seat with a sigh. Leaning back in the right way faced chair, I cock my head to the side.

Writing away on the yellow card, she battered away at the keyboards, next abruptly standing. "You two. Behave." She warned, a finger pointed our way. Shit, I'm scared. "I'll be back in a few minutes, I'm just grabbing myself a drinks and talking to your next teacher," she spoke in my direction, "to see what to do about you."

Rolling my eyes, I smirked.

"Alright then Brat." I say. "Seem's like it's just me and you." I smirked.

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