Dear Diary: Thirty-Nine

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Eren's Point of View: KoKo_Buni

"I'm sorry, Eren. You're right." Armin said, voice low as he pulled me into a hug, eyes scanning over the wounds that littered my skin. "You... You like him, don't you?" Armin questioned, hitting the nail on the head as my eyes stung with tears.

"I don't know, I think so. I'm stupid, aren't I?" I asked, though didn't expect the answer I received from the blonde.

Armin shook his head, blonde bangs falling across his crystal blue eyes. "No, Eren, you're not. I've never seen you like this with anyone, but you both have to meet halfway. What are you going to do about it, hmm? If you want things to work, you have to find him and try to put things right." Armin stated, smiling softly as my eyes widened, listening to his words carefully as I knew he was right.

He was always right, somehow.

"W-what am I supposed to do?" I asked, body slumping hopelessly as Armin comfortingly patted my back with a small sigh.

"Well," he started, continuing after he pondered for a moment, "I think the first thing you need to do is give him, and yourself, some space. I'll help you tidy up your face, and then we can have a movie night to try and cheer you up." Armin suggested with a lopsided grin.

"I like that idea, but how am I going to find Levi and talk to him? He might not even want to talk to me." I said, in which Armin rolled his eyes.

"Then make him listen. Don't give up on this. Don't give up on someone who makes you feel this way." Armin said, though my heart sink in my chest at what he said next, "I told Mikasa, by the way, and she isn't happy. She doesn't agree with me, but it doesn't matter. It's your life and you need to, finally, take control of it. Don't let others decide how things will be for you, not anymore." Armin said, his voice soft yet determined as he locked his eyes with my own.

"You're right, Armin. Thank you." I said, pulling him into another hug as I rested my forehead upon his shoulder, planning what I could do to make things, well, better between us. "What am I supposed to do?" I questioned, in which Armin raised his eyebrows, tilting his head as he thought deeply for a moment.

"I've heard from someone that he has a job. I can't remember the name, but I know where it is. I've seen him there before." Armin said, causing my body to jolt up with excitement as I rose to my feet, searching around my room for something to change into.

"Stop, Eren. I think it would be best to at least wait until tomorrow." Armin suggested. Although I hated to admit it, he was right.

"Yeah, okay."

The rest of the day flew by slowly as I impatiently waited for the next day to arrive. I took a shower, the water boiling as it slid down my skin; I cleaned up my wounds with Armin's help; we watched movies for the rest of the night, sharing popcorn as we, eventually, drifted off into a deep slumber, our snores filling the empty house as we did so.


The next morning, or afternoon, I had awoken with an achy feeling within my back, though shrugged it off as I noticed that Armin had already been awake, scrolling through Instagram on his phone with a bored expression. "Morning." He said, though kept his eyes fixed upon his screen.

"Morning." Sighing, I fell back upon my bed, spreading out my arms with a haggard breath as I stared up at the ceiling.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Armin asked, finally looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

Remembering our plans from yesterday, I shot up, frantically searching around my room for something decent to wear. Why was I so nervous? Why did I feel so... giddy yet shit scared at the same time?

Remembering our plans from yesterday, I shot up, frantically searching around my room for something decent to wear. Why was I so nervous? Why did I feel so... giddy yet shit scared at the same time?

I changed into a pair of pale blue jeans that hugged my legs, rips running down my thighs; a plain white T-shirt that fitted loosely (which I was happy with) and a checkered flannel-red and black-that I wore over the top. I slid on my shoes, quickly fixing my hair with my hands, though found that it didn't do much and grabbed my phone, keys, and a bit of cash and shoved them into the pockets of my jeans.

Armin was already dressed as if he had been waiting hours for me (he probably had been) and appeared to be impatient as he lightly tapped his foot upon the floor of my bedroom, causing a smirk to trace my lips. He wanted this for me as much as I wanted it, didn't he?

I smiled at the thought.

He had finally accepted how I felt towards Levi.

"Ready?" I asked Armin, in which he nodded and put his phone in his pocket, standing up as he practically dragged me out of the house.

It didn't take us long to arrive at our destination: a jewellery store that I had passed several times, yet never entered. Armin told me that he would wait outside whilst I went inside in search of Levi, though my heartbeat accelerated rapidly as I pushed open the door, surprised when I saw the familiar raven sweeping the floors with a broom.

Apart from Levi, the person at the till and a few customers, the store was almost empty, which, somehow, made me feel more relieved as I hated crowded spaces. It made my chest tight.

That way, I didn't have an excuse. I had to talk to him, even if he didn't want to talk to me.

My hands had become clammy, beads of sweat slipping down my tanned skin as I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath, though I found that it did nothing to calm me.

If I didn't do it then, then I knew I never would. If I didn't reach out and grab what I wanted, then I never would be happy.

"L-Levi... ?" I said in a quiet voice, pouting when he didn't turn around. He probably didn't even hear me.

It took all of the courage that I had to not leave. My mind was telling me to leave, to forget about him and to allow myself to rot in sadness because I didn't deserve anything else; yet, on the other hand, my heart told-shouted, screamed-for me to stay, for me to try and make things right.

Usually, I would have listened to my head. Though, I realised that the reason I had struggled to be happy all this time was because I listened to my head. So, for once in the entirety of my life, I listened to my heart.

I slowly, nervously, walked towards him, patting his shoulder with delicacy as he turned on his heel to face me, an unreadable expression across his face.

"Levi." I started, heart pounding as the words fled my mouth. "We need to talk."


A/N: I usually post KoKo_Buni and my part at the same time, but I'm going to mix it up and leave you waiting a bit longer. I've already done my part- which I'll publish tonight or tomorrow. But, I want to see what my viewers think will happen. {Hate- Inbox}

Q: How do you think Levi will react?

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