Dear Diary: Twelve

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Levi's Point of View: Ryoko4848/Rmellis

I found myself unable to concentrate throughout the whole Goddamn lesson. With the constant flipping and crinkling of the paper, scribbling of the the pens/pencils to paper, and peoples fidgeting on their squeaky chairs; I noticed I was becoming more and more insane with ever fucking tick of the clock.

I did do work, don't get me wrong there, but just depending on what work we were doing. As of today , like the rest of the term in which I dozed off in, we were learning all the same shit from all the other years of flipping atoms and elements; all things which are of no importance to me.

"Y'know," Erwin randomly starts talking, my head boredly turning to face him. "Sitting there doing nothing isn't going to get you far in life, Levi."

Sending him a 'do-you-think-I-care' facial expression, I sigh deeply, turning away and back at the teacher. Grey hair combed back over his large bald patch, attempting, and failing, to cover is, the teacher mumbles on notes and upcoming assignments.

Rolling my eyes and wanting to shout something at the dumb-fuck for a teacher that nobody is actually listening, I twist my head back to the blue eyes which glare my way. Hand clenched into a tight fist, and stopping myself from punching the funny-fucker (Erwin) right there and then, I drop my head back into my arms onto the table.

"And you think," I bite back, shaking my head disapprovingly as I did so, "sitting here and re-going over everything we already learnt last year is getting me anywhere?"

Turning my attention back to the teacher, his back still faced to the half-asleep class, I hook my middle and index finger around the pen lying uselessly on my paper. Getting a good grip of it and staring at it for several seconds while time passes on; I come out of my daze-filled-land when Erwin snorts and gives me a shove.

"Well, one things for sure... staring at the pen like it's the love of your life is definitely not going to get you anywhere," he shrugs. "I mean, I don't mind being the best man and all... but the ink will run out eventually so unless you're planning on cheating and using another—"

"Oh, fuck you." I cuss his way, "think you're so fucking funny, maybe you should work as a comedian; you've got me ass over tits laughing so I'm sure everyone else is." I snap, him bursting out laughing like a freaking hyena.

"Levi Ackerman!" Oh great, "We don't and I mean DO NOT tolerate that sort of language in this school!" Mr. Bald frantically yells at me, his finger pin-pointing at me so that if no one in the class knew who I was, they would now. "No, apologies immediately," opening my mouth to grumble one his way, he ticks his finger side to side, "not to me, Ackerman. To Erwin there, there was no need for that language to be passed on to such a good student!"

"Good student?" I laughed through my noses, looking Erwin's way, only to see Erwin acting innocent and hurt. "You're honestly telling me you think this ass-hat deserves an apology when he's the one being a piss take?" I exaggerate.

"That's it," he talks, his tone now deep and serious. "You're getting a yellow slip."

Turning to his dark brown desk and routing through for the yellow strip, Erwin nudges me with a proud smirk printed on his face; "who's the piss take now," he chuckles, "have fun, loner boy."

"Twat," I moan his way.

Within in this school there was three flips. Three slips given out for many reasons, and three slips which I've dealt with all before.

White: 'You're an excellent student' — this just being something signed by your teacher in which you can take home proudly and show your parents.

Green: 'You're on your first warning' — depending on how bad you were you get a warning which can either lead to being given a detention or not besides your name on the school's register.

Yellow: 'Your last warning' — (now I've been given these a lot) again, depending on how bad it is, eg. Rudeness and bad language, you'll either be given a letter sent home or, in my case, being sent out to do your work isolated from your classmates and into a younger's classroom.

Red: 'Expelled' — I think you can guess what this is on your own; eg. kicked out.

"You act like a kid, you'll be treated like on." The teacher mumbles, sounding out of breath. Quickly scribbling something and signing his signature on the bright white paper, he waves it around motioning for me to come up and take it. "For your bad language and bully another student," stupid Erwin, "you'll going to one of the Tenth Graders classes. Miss Reiss will bet in room 03, hand her the note and she'll do the rest."

"In a bit," Erwin says. "Have fun," he grins widely.

"You'll pay," I warn him, "you'll pay big time."

"Um-hum, sure I will, Levi." He challenges me, "sure I will."

Instantly shoving all my crap into my black bag, everyone's eyes noticeably on me, taking long strides to the teacher, I snatching the yellow paper from him grip — hoping inside I'd given him a paper-cut — and stormed out; because why not go out with a bit of drama?

However, it was only in a matter of thirty seconds when I came face-to-face with the Tenth Graders class and, without being bothered to knocked, entered on in, throwing the lousy, scrunched up piece of yellow paper onto, the unimpressed looking, Miss Reiss desk. 

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