Dear Diary: Forty-Six

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Levi's Point of View: Rmellis

"Oi, you piece of shit. I've got company coming around so I need you out the house," his voice just bores through me.

Once many years ago I used to freak out when he spoke- even when it was to himself- because it's so rare to hear him that you know it's never for a good reason. But now, after much time- I've managed to simply zone out and imagine him as though he's a boring old stereo to ignore.

However, as much as I like that, he doesn't feel the same; "You little bastard!" He spat, storming into my room- without permission I may add- and grasping a hold of my upper arm.

Looking down, almost in a daze; I sigh. "I ain't leaving my house in boxers, that's not the brightest idea," I comment unenthusiastically. "Let me get changed and than I'll leave, I've got work this afternoon anyways." Watching him growl- not liking it when I don't do as he says- he shoves me back until his hand brushes against the useless bandages.

"What's that?" He snaps, only making me snort in response. "You're on thin ice boy," he warns. "Get changed and than get the fuck out. You're only allowed back when I say so."

Flabbergasted, I grunt; "And how the fuck are you going to tell me, huh? You lost your phone gambling and there's no other way for you to contact me. Hm, I won't even be shocked if I find you pissed," I say. His eyes darkened, yet I just roll mine. "I've got work till four pm. I'll be back around half four, either way I'm coming in. Whether your piss-head friends are there or not."

It was amusing. Although I knew I should be fearing his reaction- ever since being with Eren- I simply felt numb. Numb, it was a weird feeling; an empty one. It was like no emotions inside you could be felt. It wasn't a nice feeling- but one I preferred than being a crying mess. After everything had happened between me and Eren, I couldn't even stand to look at myself. I was weak- so goddamn weak- and I felt- still feel- so pathetic.

Kenny's hand came down upon my cheek faster than a blink of an eye. Being so distracted and lost in thought, I hadn't even realised what'd happened until he moved his hand back to the side. Feeling a slight tingle of pain slowly warming up to a burning sensation; I sighed at the fact he'd back-hand slapped me.

"You'll mind your words around me! Thinking you're getting all high and cocky. Be thankful you're still here." A part of me wanted to touch and rub my sore head cheek, though I decided to act like it didn't affect me. Watching the tall male's nose flare and jaw lock, his eyes scanned my room- almost as if he was trying to find something to threaten me with. But- owning only little- there was nothing valuable to me. "How much will you be earning today?" He asks angrily.

I ponder and shrug, "twenty pounds." He smirks my way. Narrowing my eyes, I move away from him and towards my pile of clothes on the floor. "Don't even think about it. That money's mine. We both agreed on that. I've already paid my bit on the house for this month." Slipping on my trousers and zipping the fliers up, I turn to him, repeating; "That money's mine. Frankly I work and earn my money, unlike some."

Kenny- unfortunate for me- wasn't in the right mood to be messed with. He'd been out most of the night 'drinking with the boys,' as he'd call it and didn't get back till early morning. Right now, it was 10:30am and I was near enough sure Kenny hadn't even slept yet.

With bloodshot eyes- though I had the same- and bags under his eyes- along with me- we both looked similar, but both for different reasons. Kenny had chose to drink rather than sleep, yet I hadn't. Kenny decided it was best to stay out all night, but I never asked for the blood-shot eyes. Sighing, hating how much alike they looked, I scrunched up his face in disgust.

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