Dear Diary: Forty-Two

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Levi's Point of View: Rmellis

Different. There are so many ways to describe; different. From someone being unique, to rare, to uncommon and individual. This kid was all of them things. He was truly something different. He wasn't like normal tears and to me- that was intriguing. With my aching hand held clenched to my side, a stunned express overcame my facial features.

Beauty. Astonishment. Bewilderment- every emotion ran through me suddenly. To see the brightness gleam in the younger males eyes, to see his straight, blinding white teeth shine in my direction. To see a smile I've been craving to see for so long. Star-stuck by the alluring sight, my mouth became dry and my heart seemingly stopped.

My own lip twitched upwards for a split second- far too overwhelmed by what I was seeing that it was almost contagious. I felt every ounce of stress and frustration leave my body- all because of one look. This male. His smile could cure any sadness. His smile is what I always wished to see. Though, for my own sake, I'd never admit it to him.

Nodding when he agreed with me, I scanned around our surroundings. There wasn't many cheap cafes in town and although I told him that he owed me a drink, I wasn't seriously going to make him buy me one- I wouldn't stoop that low. Letting off a noise of enthusiasms when a cheap café came to mind, I peered over my shoulder and motioned for the kid to follow.

"How did you know I worked here?" I asked out of the blue after a few minutes of silence. I made sure I stayed a few feet ahead; leading him the way. "Or, was it just coincidence?"

Folding the envelope, I shove it in my pocket as the brat speaks; "My friend, Armin, saw that you worked there before."

Grunting, I stopped in my steps. "Where's he now? Don't you need to get back to him?"

"Oh yeah," he said, his eyes partially widening. "It's okay, I can message him instead."

Watching at the brunette rummages his hand in his pocket, and pull out his phone, I shake my head and murmured; "You sure kid? If you need to be somewhere, than go."

Stopping in his steps once he caught up, his phone slipped back into his pocket. "Yeah, I'm sure. I'd rather be with you."

Gulping, a sudden rush of nervousness and shock overcoming me, I look away instantly. Walking on, assuming the boy would follow, I kept my eyes ahead of me. The walk was slow, calming- and it was as though neither of us where in a rush to be anywhere but by each other's side.

"A-alright... W-well," coughing away my stammer, I close my eyes and think about my choice of words. "Well, I know of a small cafe close to the Leisure Centre, so we can go there."

Seeing the male nod at the corner of my eye, I bite my tongue to his angel-like smile. "Okay, sounds good!" He cheers, though, after a ten minutes walk in silence; a small, but cute coughs comes from Eren as he seeks my attention. "So, Levi, how have you been?" He mumbled, his head bowed as he kicked away the obstructing stones.

Furrowing my brow, unsure of how to respond, I give off an amused snort. "I've been amazing."

Rolling his eyes, he replies; "I'm sure you have. Your sarcasm is amazing as well."

"Cheers, I'm flattered," I scoff. Though, add; "How about yourself, kid? I'm sure you have better things to be doing."

"Me? Not really. I usually just sit in my room. Being with you is definitely better than that."

I let off a nod dumbly. I was taken back by his words. Who on Earth would want to be with me? Even I'd want to be at home in my room than be with me. Yet, with my sarcasm being my barrier that stopped anyone getting too close to me, I grumble; "Are your parents alright with you being out? Got a curfew?"

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