miss hangover

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The next morning Veronica woke up with a massive headache. "oh look at that, she's alive" Toni said from the kitchen when Veronica woke up. "please tell me you guys didn't write anything on my forehead again" Veronica said yawning. " not this time" Cheryl laughed. "coffee?" Toni asked grabbing Veronica a cup. "yes, definitely"
"the painkillers are in that cabinet" Toni said handing Veronica a cup of coffee and pointing at the cabinet next to Veronica who immediately walked over to get something to help her with the headache.
"you should probably take the day off Ronnie" Toni said with a laugh.
"I don't have work today, maybe we could do something once you get rid of that hangover" Cheryl suggested.
"sounds good, I should be fine in an hour or so" Ronnie said drinking her coffee. "I have a couple hours to kill before i have to go to the bar, wanna watch a movie?" Toni asked Veronica and Cheryl. "can we watch Coco? it's on netflix" Cheryl asked excitedly.
"anything you want princess" Toni said walking to the living to get the movie ready. Cheryl blushed a little like she always does when she hears Toni call her princess.
"the movie is starting" Toni said sitting down on the couch. Veronica walked past Toni to sit down the opposite end of the couch Cheryl behind her. Cheryl sat down in the middle of her best friend and the girl she was crazy about.
"you can sit closer y'know" Toni whispered to Cheryl when the movie was beginning. Cheryl started to move closer to Toni when she felt Toni's hands around her waist as Toni pulled Cheryl close to her. So close that there was barely any air between them. Cheryl blushed a little and smiled at Toni as she let her put her arm around Cheryl. "I wouldn't be able to focus on the movie if you were too far away" Toni whispered to Cheryl who was now using Toni's shoulder as a pillow. "not that it'll be easy with you this close either" Toni continued giving Cheryl a kiss on her forehead and turning to watch the movie.

"i'm gonna take a shower" Veronica said after the movie ended and walked into the bathroom.
"I should probably head downstairs" Toni said getting up.
"oh okay.." Cheryl said a little upset that Toni had to go. Toni headed to the door when she stopped and turned around to go give Cheryl a kiss before walking out. Cheryl was left on the couch waiting for Veronica to get ready so they could go shopping, like they always did when they had a girls day, they never really bought much because their financial situation wasn't that good but they still loved to browse around the stores and if they found something they wanted they would save money and go back a couple weeks later.
Cheryl was looking around Toni's apartment smiling at the little things that she had there. Pictures of the serpents, her motorcycle, and a lot of pictures with her, Sweet Pea and Fangs.
Cheryl looked at the guitar that was sitting in the living room wondering if Toni plays it or just has it around for some other reason.

"hey Ronnie" Cheryl said walking into the bathroom.
"Yeah?" Veronica said peeking her head out the shower
"i'm gonna go hang out with Toni downstairs until you're ready" Cheryl said fixing her makeup in the mirror.
"alright, i'll be done in 20 minutes"
Veronica said going back to her shower.
Cheryl walked down to the bar to find Toni wiping the tables down.
"hey." Cheryl said getting Toni's attention. Toni smiled seeing Cheryl, even though they hadn't been apart for longer than 15 minutes Toni had already started to miss her.
"hey beautiful" Toni said walking over to Cheryl. "where's Ronnie"
"she's still getting ready. I just wanted to come hang out with you instead of being upstairs looking at pictures of you while waiting on Vee."
"ahh, snooping around" Toni said with a playful smirk. "well it's not really snooping if the pictures are hung on a wall." Cheryl laughed. Toni shrugged and continued to wipe the table down.
"so.. do you actually play the guitar or is it just decorative thing" Cheryl asked Toni with a giggle.
"oh, that, yeah I play but I don't really play in front of too many people, I think Fangs and Pea are the only ones who have actually heard me play."
"would you let me hear you play?" Cheryl asked she was already imagining how hot Toni would look playing the guitar.
"i'll do anything for you princess" Toni said with a wink that made Cheryl blush a little.
"so whatcha gonna do with miss hangover today?" Toni asked
"we're probably just gonna go shopping, and then I was thinking we would go eat at Marco's if you could get us a table" Cheryl asked smiling at the serpent. "of course Cher, i'll make a call" Toni said with a smile. "thanks TT" Cheryl said with a huge smile.
"alright! let's do this" Veronica yells walking in the bar.
"wow, someone got over the hangover" Toni laughed.
"i'll come by tonight so you can play me something" Cheryl said and gave Toni a quick kiss before heading out with Veronica.

Cheryl and Veronica went from store to store looking at everything from jewelry to shoes. neither one of them had bought anything since they were planning on going to a restaurant that was kinda pricy. "hey Cher, what time are we eating?" Veronica asked her best friend who was currently eyeing up a black dress. "oh, um, I don't know, Toni didn't give me a reservation time or anything." Cheryl said pulling her phone out. "i'll text her to see what time she got us in" Cheryl continued while typing a message to Toni.
C: hey, what time is our table ready at marco's?
T: whenever you're hungry. I didn't give them a time.
C: oh, okay Thanks again for getting us a reservation. I really appreciate it.
T: anything for you princess.

"we can go eat whenever" Cheryl said to Veronica who was trying on a pair of high heels. "well I don't know about you but i'm starving." Veronica said looking at herself in the mirror.
"we'll go there as soon as you're done drooling over those heels" Cheryl laughed. Veronica changed back to her own shoes and the girls headed towards the restaurant.

"hello, I have a reservation for.. um Blossom?" Cheryl said not knowing what name Toni had used to get the table. "ah yes the one Toni called for"
The hostess said with a smile. "this way ladies" she said leading Cheryl and Veronica to their table. The girls sat down and ordered their food.
"so... what's up with you and Toni"
Veronica asked, she was dying to know what was happening with her best friend and her boss. She tried not to ask and just wait until Cheryl brought it up but as soon as they got their drinks on the table and had food on the way she couldn't keep it in anymore.
"I don't know Vee, I mean I really like her, she's just so amazing everything about her is perfect, I think I'm starting to fall for her and it scares me." Cheryl sighed "Wow, I didn't know you were that serious about her." Veronica said looking at her lovesick best friend. "I heard Fangs and Pea talking the other day and how Toni has changed a lot lately, that she doesn't fight with people anymore and she doesn't hook up with girls like she used to, they think it's because of you." Veronica said. Cheryl didn't know what to think about this, She was happy to know Toni wasn't sleeping around girls, and that she wasn't fighting people, but it didn't help her figure out what she was to Toni. "I don't know Vee. I think I should talk to Toni about what we are."
Cheryl said as their food arrived.

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