Fred Astaire

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As soon as they got upstairs Toni took her shirt off leaving her in a black lace bra. Cheryl eyes scanned Toni's body from her chest to her abs.Toni had a serpent tattoo on her side and multiple scars on her toned stomach but damn she was hot. "uhm what are you doing?" Cheryl asked not being able to take her eyes off Toni. "oh I just need to change my shirt it has dishwater all over it" Toni said throwing the shirt she had taken off on a chair and grabbing a hoodie from her couch and putting it on. Cheryl was blushing after seeing Toni without a shirt on. She couldn't help but to wonder about all the scars Toni had. " wanna watch a movie or something?" Toni asked moving closer to Cheryl until she was right in front of her. Toni could feel cheryl's breath on her face and all she wanted to do was kiss her. Toni couldn't hold back any longer and put her arms on Cheryl's waist pulling Cheryl closer and kissed her. Toni pushed Cheryl to the couch and pinned her down kissing her passionately. Cheryl's hands were running up and down Toni's back as she pulled Toni closer to her. They continued to kiss passionately until they both started running out of air. Their lips parted and they stared at each other lustfully until Toni spoke with a blush on her face "sorry, I know we're supposed to be taking things slow but I just couldn't resist"
"it's okay Toni I wanted that just as much as you did"
"so how about that movie?" Toni asked getting off Cheryl. "you choose I'm most likely gonna fall asleep during it"
Cheryl said yawning once again.
Toni laughed and put on a movie.

30 minutes into the movie Cheryl was already asleep with her her head on Toni's lap. Toni couldn't focus on the movie and instead was watching Cheryl sleep and playing with her hair, taking in all of her beauty. The beautiful silky smooth red hair that Toni looked for every time someone walked into the bar. Her amazing lips that always had red lipstick on them, the lips Toni always stared at wanting to feel them on hers ever since the moment she had first laid eyes on Cheryl.Toni adored Cheryl, how could someone be so beautiful inside and out.
She watched Cheryl's chest go up and down steadily, She looked at the girl in awe as she slept so peacefully. Toni wasn't good with feelings but she knew that no one had ever made her feel the way Cheryl did. As Toni watched Cheryl sleep she made a promise to herself to always protect Cheryl and to not let anyone or anything ever hurt her no matter what. She felt the need to make sure Cheryl was safe. Toni had never felt the need to protect anyone since most of her friends were serpents and definitely more than able to look after themselves. She had no doubt that Cheryl could take care of herself and didn't need anyone to protect her but she didn't care because if anything ever did happen to Cheryl, Toni would never be able to forgive herself for not being there to protect her.

Before she knew it the Movie had ended and Toni had no clue what the movie was even about, she couldn't even remember the name of it she had been too busy staring at Cheryl.
somehow hours had passed and Toni started feeling hungry. Toni got up carefully lifting Cheryl's head and placing a pillow under it, not wanting to wake the sleeping beauty. Toni headed to the kitchen and decided to make dinner for her and Cheryl. She wasn't much of a cook but there were few things she knew how to make.

Toni had a playlist for every activity and every mood. Everything was better with music on. She would usually be blasting her music on the speakers she had all over the apartment but considering Cheryl sleeping on the couch that wouldn't have been the best idea so she put her headphones on and pressed play on her cooking playlist and started preparing the meal dancing around in the kitchen.

Cheryl woke up on Toni's couch confused not knowing how long she had slept or where Toni had went.
Soon after looking at her phone to see the time she smelled food and realized she was starving. She made her way to the kitchen and saw Toni dancing around like a crazy person. She leaned against the wall laughing and waited for Toni to notice her.
"Oh, you're up" Toni said blushing realizing she must've looked like an idiot and paused her music taking her headphones off.  "hey there Fred Astaire" Cheryl laughed.
Toni blushed and connected her phone to the speakers and put the music back on. "oh c'mon cooking is so boring without music and a little dancing. hungry?" Toni said continuing to dance a little to the music thinking it doesn't really matter anymore if Cheryl sees her dancing in the kitchen, so why not own it.  "i'm starving" Cheryl said.
"I hope you like pasta." Toni said turning the music up a little and giving into the music and singing along as she danced. "how fitting" Toni said as the next song came on. "what?" Cheryl asked confused not knowing what Toni was talking about. "you'll know soon" Toni smirked and stared to dance and sing along to the song.

Those eyes, damn, those eyes, they get me every time, those eyes, in those eyes I can do no harm, when I dance like I don't care, you call me Fred Astaire

Cheryl laughed as she heard the lyrics to the song. Toni was adorable when she was dancing around completely lost in the music Cheryl couldn't help but to stare at the girl in awe. Cheryl was scared of what she was feeling, she felt like she was starting to fall for Toni. Last time Cheryl had felt like that it didn't end well and she was cheated on and got her heart broken. It wasn't the same with Toni, Cheryl felt so strongly for Toni, she hadn't even known Toni for long and she was already having stronger feelings than she had ever had before. The connection she shared with Toni was something she couldn't even begin to understand. She felt like she had known Toni her whole life. In a way Toni reminded her of Jason, the way Toni kicked two guys out the bar because they were talking about Cheryl, reminded her of Jason and how he used to be overprotective ofCheryl.
Toni made Cheryl feel safe which was something Cheryl hadn't felt since her Twin brother had passed away. Cheryl felt good around Toni and every time she wasn't with Toni she missed her. The fact that Toni was a sexy, dangerous serpent and also a cute dancing doofus warmed Cheryl's heart. Cheryl was Indeed starting to fall in love with her.

"food is ready" Toni said when the song ended shaking Cheryl from her thoughts. Toni turned the music down a little and switched her playlist. Toni took the plates she had prepared to the table that she had already set for dinner.

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