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Cheryl woke up to a knock on the door. She groaned as she got up to go open the door for Veronica who had forgotten her keys, well that's what Cheryl thought that happened.
The knocking continued loudly on the door as Cheryl walked her way to open it "Hold on Ronnie, i'm coming"
she mumbled as she got to the door and saw the person knocking.
"you're not Ronnie" Cheryl said when she saw Toni panting at the door. "are you okay" She continued looking at Toni confused on why she was there.
"yeah, yeah I just ran here from the bar, you got any water" Toni said as she followed Cheryl who had turned around and started to walk towards the kitchen. Toni couldn't stop herself from staring at Cheryl's ass as she followed her to the kitchen. Cheryl grabbed a bottle of water and gave it to toni " so what are you doing here?" Cheryl asked
" Oh I uhm yeah" Toni stuttered, she had completely forgotten everything she was going to say to the beautiful girl in front of her. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay,you just kinda disappeared."
" I wasn't feeling good" Cheryl said remembering how hurt she had felt seeing Toni talking to the girl.
" okay well, uhmm, i also wanted to say that i'm sorry about Midge interrupting our uhmm conversation" Toni said not really knowing what to say
" Midge..." Cheryl mumbled, so the girl has a name. " so how do you know midge?" Cheryl asked Toni not really sure if she wanted to hear the answer.
"uhmm we used to hook up."
Toni said looking down to the ground.
She didn't want to talk to cheryl about the people from her past. "are you still sleeping with her?" Cheryl asked with an angry tone in her voice. Why was she angry?
"No. she told me she had feelings for me and I put a stop to it because I don't feel anything towards her." Toni said now looking the taller girl straight in the eyes. She could see how hurt Cheryl was feeling and all she wanted was to make the pain go away.
"Look Cheryl, I'm not good at this, but I need to tell you something. I don't exactly know how to express feelings and stuff but i'm going to try. Cheryl I like you, and not the way I have liked other people. Usually I just have sex with people I feel attracted to but it's not the same with you. Not that you're not attractive! you're the most beautiful, sexy, gorgeous human being I have ever laid eyes on. shit i'm not good at this what i'm trying to say here is tha" Cheryl interrupted Toni's rant with her lips pressed on hers.
"I like you too Toni." Cheryl said with the biggest smile on her face.
They stood there staring at each other for what seemed like eternity. In reality it was only a couple minutes until Veronica came home.

"hey guys am I interrupting something"
Veronica said to the girls who were standing in the kitchen staring at each other. "you're not, Toni was just about to head home" Cheryl said.
" I was?" Toni said with a confused look on her face "yeah you were" Cheryl said and walked Toni to the door and kissed her with passion before closing the door on her and falling against it.
"so. I'm guessing you and Toni talked"
Veronica said with a chuckle looking at her best friend. "she likes me. Toni Topaz likes me Ronnie"
"I know. but why did you make her leave when you were clearly fucking her with your eyes when I walked in"
"I don't want to be like the others. I don't want to be just another fuck to her. even though she said that she liked me and that I was different from the other girls she had hooked up with. I just wanna make sure i'm not gonna be like the other girls. and If that means not sleeping with her right that's what it'll be. and if she was gonna to stay here any longer we probably would've ended up in the bedroom." Cheryl said taking a deep breath.
"I wonder how long that will last" Veronica chuckled " you've been wanting to fuck her from the moment you met her. don't think I didn't notice it" 
"well yeah but it's different now. I want a relationship with her. And i'm not sure if that's what she wants, I heard her tell Midge, the girl at the bar that she doesn't do relationships. but if I sleep with her i'm just gonna like her more and just end up getting hurt"
" you really put some thought into this" Veronica says to the redhead
"not really but I don't know what to do. All I know is that I like her and she likes me. but I want a relationship not just a fuck buddy."
"maybe you should've told her that before making her leave"  Veronica tells her best friend while walking towards her bedroom.
"I would've but I just couldn't. I'll tell her that tomorrow after work though. I just hope she wants the same things as I do" with that Cheryl walked to her room and went back to sleep. this time it was easy for her to fall asleep, she was still wondering what will happen between her and Toni but she wasn't feeling hurt she was happy. Knowing that Toni liked her. She finally had some clarity in her situation but there was still a lot more things to figure out.

Toni had just confessed her feelings to Cheryl and been sent home. She was happy knowing that Cheryl liked her back and that kiss before she had shut the door on her face. She had no words to describe it. It was the best kiss she had ever had. Still she was kinda hoping she could've stayed the night at Cheryl's apartment. She didn't know what was happening between the two but whatever it was it made her happy.
Toni was definitely crushing hard on this girl. Which was out of the ordinary for her. She had never had a relationship, she told everyone that she didn't do relationships when in reality it was just because she hadn't met anyone who she would want to be in a relationship with. That might have changed with Cheryl. Toni didn't know what she wanted, She wanted Cheryl but did she want to be in a relationship with her was the question on her mind. As Toni walked home she wondered what she would do with this girl. Cheryl had her wrapped around her fingers. She just didn't know it.
Toni wasn't good with feelings, but she did know she had strong ones for Cheryl. Maybe it was time for her to be in a relationship. Maybe Cheryl was the one to make her stop sleeping around with bunch of different girls. Toni didn't know what she wanted but she knew the one thing she didn't want to lose and that was Cheryl.

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