wanna go upstairs?

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The next day when Toni woke up the first thing on her mind was Cheryl.
She hadn't woken up this happy in a long time. She had a beautiful girl who liked her and she was crazy about her. She already missed her so much even though it hadn't even been 12 hours from the last time she saw her
Toni decided to message Cheryl.

T: good morning Princess
C: good afternoon sleepyhead
T:shh it doesn't matter if it's 1pm I just woke up so it's morning
C: whatever you say :)
C: what's your plans for the day?
T: well there's a girl Pea hired for the bar who's coming here to meet me so I can decide if she gets the job or not. other than that I was hoping to see you
C: that's awesome T. You really need the help, you're always working.
T:I know right, but hopefully she'll be a good fit so I can have more time to spend with beautiful redheads.
T: speaking of beautiful redheads, do you wanna come over to the bar later? drinks are on the house.
C: I don't think I've ever paid for a drink at the bar.
T:you're simply way too beautiful to pay
C: I'll come over after work I get off at four.
T: can't wait :)

Toni took a shower, got dressed and headed down to the bar to get ready to interview the girl Sweet Pea had 'hired'.
She walked to the bar to see Sweet Pea talking to a blonde girl.
"Toni, this is Emma the girl I told you about last night."
"Hi, Nice to meet you Emma" Toni said shaking the girls hand. "hey."
"alright, well I have a few questions before we make this happen" Toni said to the blonde girl who nodded
"first, do you have any experience working at a bar?"
" I worked at a bar for 2 years but the owner sold it and it got turned into a restaurant"
"that's awesome, how often can you work?" Toni asked
"mostly I'm free whenever you need me to work, and I will let you know in advance if I have a day that I can't"
"great" Toni said relieved that this girl seemed to be just what she needed. She didn't really have anymore questions knowing that the girl had experience was enough for Toni who had never been good at interviewing people.
"well I guess we should sign some papers and then Sweet Pea can show you around"
"I got the job?" Emma asked surprised
"yeah" Toni laughed "I really need the help and you seem great"
" wow thank you" Emma said in excitement.
"after Pea has showed you around you can stay and start working if you want it's up to you" Toni said starting to clean up the counters behind the bar.
"hey sweets can you also explain her our scheduling stuff and well just everything, the way we do things and have the serpent talk?" Toni asked Sweet Pea who laughed and said "sure thing boss, oh and Ronnie said she's coming at four-ish today"
"alright thanks sweets" Toni said and started to dry the beer glasses.

around three o'clock Sweet Pea had finished showing Emma around.
Emma walked behind the bar and started helping Toni with the dishes. "you're staying?" Toni asked her hoping that she would since Cheryl was coming over and Toni really didn't want to work when she could be spending time with the beautiful redhead
"yeah, I have nothing better to do" Emma said with a smile
"awesome well, i'm gonna be around all night but most likely won't be working too much after Ronnie gets here" Toni said to the blonde as they continued cleaning before the customers started to roll in.

When Cheryl got off work she was excited but also exhausted she had been up late the night before after her date with Toni and she had to get up early for work. Cheryl was looking forward to spending time with Toni but she couldn't stop yawning.
Cheryl walked in the bar to see Toni doing the dishes with a pretty blonde girl she had never seen before. They were laughing about something and Cheryl loved Toni's laugh but she started to feel jealous. Cheryl knew she probably had no reason to be but seeing someone else make Toni laugh made her jealous. That went away soon when Toni noticed that Cheryl had walked in. "hey gorgeous, how was work?" Toni asked hugging Cheryl.
"it was boring, and exhausting" Cheryl said trying to fight a yawn. "but i'm happy to be here now"

Cheryl turned around hearing the door open and saw Veronica walk in. "Ronnie! I feel like I haven't seen you in days" Cheryl said excitedly seeing her best friend. Even though they lived together they hadn't spent much time together since Cheryl worked mornings and Veronica spent her nights bartending. "Hey Cher!" Veronica said walking towards Cheryl to give her a hug. "hey Toni" she greeted her boss with a wave. "hey Toni, do you mind if I talk to Ronnie for a bit before she starts working?" Cheryl asked, she hadn't had a chance to tell her best friend about her date yet. "anything for you princess" Ton said with a wink.
"remind me to have you ask her to give me a raise" Veronica laughed as Cheryl pulled her to a booth.
"so how was your date last night?" Veronica asked after they sat down.
"it was perfect Vee!" Cheryl said excitedly and went on to tell Veronica everything that had happened.
"oh and the best part! you know the Marco's the restaurant we've been dying to eat at? That's where we went for dinner! and Toni knows the owner or something and said that she can get us a table whenever!" Cheryl said excitedly. "are you serious?" Veronica yelled in excitement. "we're going tomorrow!" she said with a huge smile on her face. "sounds good to me" Cheryl said with a smile.
"sounds like a damn good date, I'm happy for you Cher." Veronica said.
" it was amazing." Cheryl said starting to get up. " I should probably let you get to work" she continued.
"yeah right, you just wanna go hang out with Toni" Veronica teased.
"maybe" Cheryl winked and walked away to go find Toni at the bar.

" hey beautiful" Toni said to Cheryl who rolled her eyes and sat down on a barstool. "this is Emma, the new bartender I hired today" Toni said nodding towards Emma. "hey, nice to meet you uhmm.. not that you're not beautiful but i'm guessing that's not your name" Emma said with a slight laugh. "Nice to meet you too and yeah my name is Cheryl"
"now that Ronnie is here, wanna go upstairs? they'll be fine without me here" Toni asked Cheryl. "uhm yeah sure." Cheryl said starting to feel a little nervous but excited to spend time with Toni without everyone else around.

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