Hey Beautiful

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Betty and Jughead arrived at the bar they were supposed to meet their friends at 9. They walked in and saw Veronica behind the bar with Toni serving customers, Cheryl at the pool table talking to Fangs.
"what the hell are we doing here" Jughead mumbled to himself when he noticed Toni, Fangs and Sweet Pea. He hadn't really had the best experiences with the serpents but he sure recognized them. He had nothing against the younger serpents, but he never really wanted to be around them either. When he was in high school, the serpents had tried to get him to join them since he was their leaders son, but Jughead didn't want to follow in his fathers footsteps. If he had he would've became the serpent king and he would've been stuck in Riverdale and that was the last thing he wanted for himself.

Betty and Jughead walked to the bar where they were met with Veronica and Toni "you guys made it" Veronica said excited to see her friends. "yeah sorry we couldn't do dinner we had to give deal with Archie's relationship drama"
"sounds about right" Veronica laughed

"Cousin Betty!" Cheryl yelled from the pool table where she was talking to fangs, now starting to male her way to the bar. She hugged both Betty and Jughead. "can I get you anything to drink"  Veronica asked "I recently got a job here"
"i'll have a beer" Jughead said. Cheryl noticed that Jughead was feeling uncomfortable assuming it would be because of the serpents in the bar.
" Hey jug, can I talk to you for a minute!" cheryl asked the boy, who nodded. They went outside to talk,
" what's up Cher?"
"I forgot to mention that there would be serpents here when i was texting with Betty. Are you okay with being around them? they're actually really cool people, we've gotten to know them quite a bit since Ronnie started working here, but I know you have your history with them"
"oh thank god, you know they're serpents. I thought you guys might've not known and that would've been awkward telling Ronnie that she works with serpents." Jughead said with a relieved look on his face "and i'm okay being around them, my dad was really the only reason I never liked serpents because he wanted me to be one so badly. I actually always liked the younger serpents I just couldn't spend too much time with them without joining them"
" That's awesome Jug I was worried how you'd react to Toni, Fangs and SP being our friends" Cheryl said as the pair headed inside.

Toni was surprised to find out that Cheryl and Veronica were Friends with Jughead. Toni and Jughead had been friends for a little while when they were younger, Jugheads dad had tried to set them up in the hopes of Toni being able to talk Jughead into joining the serpents. Which failed miserably since Toni was into girls and Jughead was already dating Betty. But they were great friends for a little while.
"is this who I think it is, The Jughead Jones drinking a beer in my bar" Toni said as she walked towards the four with a smirk on her face. "Tiny Topaz" Jughead stated getting up from his seat giving Toni a hug "and yes the one and only"
"damn boy. I haven't seen you since we were what like sixteen" Toni said
"sounds about right" jughead said with a laugh. 
"hey Fangs, Pea come take a look who wondered in" Toni yelled to his friends
The seven of them spent the rest of the night catching up and drinking, other than Veronica and Fangs who were staying sober and working behind the bar making drinks for the others and serving customers.

It got to be around 1 am when betty started to be a little bit too drunk, she was hugging Cheryl complaining that they don't see each other enough.
" alright I think it's time for me to take this one home" Jughead said getting up from his seat, grabbing his and betty's jackets. "it wad good to see you all, maybe we'll start coming here more often, I forgot how much I like hanging out with you guys" and with that He headed to the door with Betty who was slurring at this point " I love you all, we needto do this again!" betty yelled as they were walking out of the door.

Cheryl was sitting with Sweet Pea, talking about music, Cheryl was asking him if he had ever hear the song Sweet Pea by Amos Lee. 
"what There's a song named after me?"
Sweet Pea asked the redhead was laughing " I doubt he wrote it about you but who knows maybe he did"
"hey beautiful, you wanna another drink?" Toni asked as she walked over to Cheryl and Sweet Pea.
"oh no i'm good, but Cheryl might want one" Sweet Pea said with a smirk.
Toni rolled her eyes, and Cheryl laughed. "I think i'm good too, I have to go to work tomorrow, I don't want the same hangover I had this morning" Cheryl said as she looked at Toni who nodded, " alrighty, well we're about to close soon anyways," Toni said " hey sweets do you mind announcing last call?" Toni asked the tall boy who nodded and headed towards the bar.
"so, what time you work tomorrow?"
"i think I work from 2-10"
"you wanna come over after?" Toni asked looking at Cheryl like she was the only person in the world. Cheryl blushed and asked " to the bar orr your apartment?"
" that's up to you Princess" Toni said with a wink "i'm good with either"
Cheryl blushed again saying "yeah I'll probably come stop by after work, since it's on my way home" 
"i'll see you tomorrow then"
Toni said with a wink walking away.

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