Truth or dare

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"that wasn't so bad, was it?" Toni asked Cheryl who was getting off Toni's bike.
"I guess it wasn't all bad" Cheryl smiled.

3 hours later the bar was filled with people. Cheryl was sitting at the bar drinking the drinks Toni was teaching Veronica to make. well they all were drinking the drinks since it took her a few tries to get a long island ice tea right.

"I need to go to the bathroom" Veronica slurred leaving Toni and Cheryl alone at the bar.
"has she always been such a lightweight? Toni asked the redhead
"well believe it or not she used to be worse, back in high school she would be this drunk after two beers" Cheryl laughed.

"what about you princess, what were you like in high school"

"well I was the queen of riverdale, captain of the river vixens and i've always been able to hold my liquor."

" a cheerleader..." Toni said biting her lip " I bet you looked hot in that uniform"

"you know, I still have the uniform, Cheryl smirked "maybe someday you get to find out"

Toni stood there staring at Cheryl imagining her in a cheerleader outfit, this girl was driving her crazy all she wanted to do is kiss her, take her to her apartment, make her scream her name.

Cheryl started to blush, wondering why Toni wasn't saying anything, maybe Toni didn't want her like she wanted Toni.
"I should probably go check on Veronica" Cheryl said with her cheeks as red as her hair after the awkward silence.
Toni realized she hadn't said anything in a while. her mind had drifted to Cheryl in a cheerleader uniform and she had started daydreaming about the girl.

Cheryl started to walk away when she heard toni say " i'll come with you, you can tell me more about this cheerleading thing"

Once they got to the bathroom, they found a passed out Veronica on the floor. They both laughed at sight and Cheryl tried to wake the girl up.
"looks like i'm going to have a problem getting her home" cheryl said with a laugh when Veronica wasn't waking up"

"we'll take her to my apartment, she can sleep it off there" Toni said walking to Veronica picking her up.
Toni carried Veronica to the back and towards the stairs to her apartment.
" hey cherry can you get my keys they're in my jacket pocket"
"cherry?" Cheryl said while reaching into Toni's pocket. "I don't know it suits you" Toni said with a smirk.
Cheryl opened the door to Toni's apartment since Toni's hands were a little busy carrying Veronica.
Toni put Veronica down on the couch and went to get her a blanket. Cheryl started to look around in Toni's apartment. It was a small one bedroom apartments, with a lot of pictures on the walls, a guitar hanging on a wall, a leather couch that now had a drunken veronica in it. Toni came back with a blanket for Veronica and laid it on her.
" thanks for letting her sleep here it would've been extremely difficult to get her home" Cheryl said with laugh
"there it is again, the best sound in the world, her laugh" Toni thought to herself. "no problem at all, I've had more drunken friends sleep on this couch that i can count" Toni said. "you can stay the night too if you don't want to walk home alone."
" I would like that, that way I can keep an eye on this one, make sure she doesn't wake up and do something stupid" Cheryl said pointing at Veronica.

" you want a drink, i'll make anything you want" Toni said walking towards her kitchen
"surprise me" Cheryl said following Toni towards the kitchen " just not another long island" she laughed
"yeah i think we both have had enough of those" Toni said reaching to get two glasses.

Cheryl watched Toni make the drinks, admiring her skills, how could she make it look so easy and look so damn good doing it.

" here we go, two singapore slings" Toni said with a smile that just melted Cheryl.
"have you ever had one" she asked Cheryl who just shook her head saying no.
"well let me know what you think" Toni said sipping her drink.
Cheryl took a sip of hers and was shocked how good it tasted.

" wow. This is delicious, how did you get so good at bartending" Cheryl asked Toni who shrugged " well i started working as a bartender at the white wyrm on the southside back in riverdale when I was fifteen. So I guess in time I just got better at it."
"they let you be a bartender at the age of 15? isn't there like laws against that" Cheryl questioned the pink haired girl in front of her.
"well in the southside we didn't really follow all the laws" Toni laughed "and well I needed a job and as a serpent I didn't really have a lot of options so they let me work there"

" so do you wanna go back to the bar or do you just wanna hang out here? I can be your personal mixologist" Toni asked biting her lip
"I think it would be best to stay here to keep an eye out for Veronica, She tends to wake up a couple hours after passing out" Cheryl said

"sounds good to me, i'll just text sweets to lock up the bar when they're done with the party" Toni said while pulling her phone out of her pocket.

a few more drinks later Toni and Cheryl were both starting to be drunk.
"wanna play a game of truth or dare"
Cheryl asked Toni who laughed and said "but it's just the two of us here, and well veronica but i doubt she'll play"  "does it matter how many players we have?" Cheryl asked
" well i guess it doesn't, alright bombshell, you ask first"

C: truth or dare?
T: let's go with a dare
C: hmm I dare you to.. draw something on Veronica
T: alright,
Toni walked over to the couch with a marker and moved Veronica's hair so she could sign her name on her forehead.
T: that was easy, Truth or dare
C: truth
T: what is the weirdest place you have ever had sex at?
C: a church
T: damn. that's a good one
C mhmmm. Truth or dare
T: truth
C: have you ever had a threesome
T: twice. truth or dare
C: dare
T: I dare you to kiss me.

Toni smirked as Cheryl stood up and walked towards her and pressed her lips against Toni's. Cheryl went to pull away when Toni grabbed her arm and pulled her to sit on top of her. Cheryl looked into Toni's eyes that were filled with lust and the she kissed her with a passion that Cheryl had never experienced before. Toni's hands were on her back pulling Cheryl closer as they continued to makeout. Cheryl's hands found their way to toni's neck as toni moved her hands down to cheryl's thighs as she picked the redhead up and started to move towards her bedroom, not letting their lips part for even a second.
Toni was slowly moving towards the bedroom when Veronica woke up.
"where the hell am I" Toni let cheryl down as she sighed in frustration,
"Really Vee. now you're gonna wake up." Cheryl said with a frustration in her voice. "you're at toni's apartment above the bar" she said clearly annoyed that her best friend had woken up with the worst possible timing
"geez chill blossom, what's got you so pissed off" veronica asked the redhead,
"nothing, nothing at all."

"alright we'll i'm getting pretty tired so i'm gonna go to bed" Toni said with a yawn it was already 5 am. Toni and Cheryl had been up all night talking and playing truth or dare. " you guys are more than welcome to stay the night, i only have one couch so one of you can come sleep in my bed if you want to" Toni said with a wink walking to her bedroom. Veronica went back to sleep on the couch and Cheryl was left standing in the living room. Cheryl decided to follow toni to the bedroom, maybe they could pick up where they left off but when she got to the bed Toni was already fast asleep.

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