High on Life

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"can we get the check please" Veronica said as she and Cheryl had finished eating. "oh, the boss said that it was on the house for you two" the waitress said confusing the two girls sitting at the table. "who exactly is your boss?" Cheryl asked the waitress.
"Toni Topaz, the owner? you were here with her the other day" the waitress confused that Cheryl didn't know that the she had had dinner there with the owner before. "oh..well thank you" Veronica said giving the waitress a tip. Cheryl was still confused. Why didn't Toni just tell her that she was the owner? "you ready to go?" Veronica asked Cheryl getting up. "we should go to the bar to thank Toni for the dinner" Veronica added.
"yeah.. we should, why wouldn't she tell me that she owned this place?" Cheryl asked not understanding why Toni couldn't just tell her. "I don't know Cheryl, maybe she doesn't like people knowing?" Veronica suggested.

Once Cheryl and Veronica made it to the bar, Veronica made her stayed back to talk to Sweet Pea while Cheryl made her way to the bar to find Toni. "Hey, Beautiful." Toni said as she noticed Cheryl walking towards her. "Can I talk to you upstairs?" Cheryl asked and headed to the back room not really waiting for an answer. She was determined to find out why Toni didn't feel like she could tell her that she owned the restaurant.
"is everything okay?" Toni asked concerned once they were in her apartment. "yeah, I'm just confused, why did you tell me that you're friends with the owner of Marco's instead of telling me that you actually are the owner?" Cheryl questioned Toni. "oh.. well, I don't really like people knowing everything I own." Toni said. seeing the look on Cheryl's face she quickly continued "I was planning on telling you, I wanted you to know I just thought it was too soon to tell you about all the things that I own, the only people who do know are Fangs and Sweets."
"okay.." Cheryl said still a little confused after Toni's ramble. "it just made me feel dumb not knowing when the waitress brought it up, and I want you to feel like you can tell me things. I don't like it when people hide things from me. I just want you to be able to tell me anything." Cheryl said.
"I do feel like I can tell you anything, and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you before you went to the restaurant. I promise I won't hide things from you." Toni said now walking towards Cheryl. They stood inches away staring at each other for a while until Toni brought her hand to Cheryl cheek and kissed her. It was a kiss full of love. so gentle, so sweet. not like most of the kisses they had shared that were filled with lust and want. This one was caring.
"what did you mean when you said all the things you own?" Cheryl asked when their lips parted. "oh yeah, well I own a couple things." Toni said awkwardly scratching the back of her head like she always did when she felt nervous and was about to share something about herself which mostly only happened around Cheryl.
"i'll tell you over a drink?" Toni asked Cheryl gesturing her to move over to the kitchen. Toni handed Cheryl a hard apple cider and grabbed herself one chugging half of it before sitting down next to Cheryl. "well as you know I own the bar, this apartment and Marco's restaurant but I also own a couple other things. Like I told you before, my parents left me a lot of money and I won't go to details how much but it is enough for me to do whatever I want.
The bar and Marco's are the only businesses that I own but I do have a Cabin not too far from here, I'd love to take you there sometime. we could bring Ronnie and the boys too, anyone you want. I also own multiple apartments that I rent out, including Fangs and Pea's apartments. That's all."Toni finished rambling hoping that knowing everything that she owns wouldn't change the way Cheryl thought about her. "wow.. so you're like actually rich." Cheryl said surprised, she knew Toni had inherited enough to buy the bar but didn't really think that it was that much.
"uhmm, yeah kinda"
"okay well that's cool, and the Cabin sounds like an awesome idea, we should go there sometime soon." Cheryl said. Knowing that Toni was rich didn't really change anything for her. She was happy Toni was being honest with her.
"we can go whenever you want." Toni said relieved that Cheryl seemed to be the same she was before Toni had told her that she was loaded.
"you wanna go back to the bar?" Toni asked sipping her cider. "well actually I was hoping you'd play me something." Cheryl said smiling at Toni who now was getting nervous all over again. "oh. uhmm, I don't know.." Toni said scratching the back of her head. "please, for me?" Cheryl said looking at Toni trying to convince her to play. "I guess I could play." Toni said not being able to say no to Cheryl. Toni walked to the living room grabbed her guitar sitting down on the couch. she strummed a couple chords to see if it was in tune and looked up to Cheryl who was staring at Toni excitedly waiting to hear the other girl play. Toni knew what to play, she had made her own cover version of a song that reminded her of Cheryl but she was nervous more so than she had ever been before. She hadn't planned on playing it to anyone. To Cheryl.
Toni took a deep breath and closed her eyes and started to play.

Kill the demons of my mind
ever since you came around
we're a river, running wild
How could I have been so blind

I just live a fast life
forget about the past time
I numb out to escape my feels
and friendships only pass by
Show up, gone, like strobe lights
but with you I feel something real

And I'd walk a million miles
just to see you smile,
Till the day I die
Oh, I need you by my side
we get high on life
till the day we die
high on life till the day we die

high on life till the day we die

high on life till the day we die

And i'd walk a million miles, just to see you smile
till the day I die.

Toni finished playing and opened her eyes to see Cheryl staring at her with her mouth open. Toni blushed as she didn't know what Cheryl was thinking. Toni felt most vulnerable whenever she played for someone and Cheryl wasn't just someone. She was the one.
"you're amazing" Cheryl finally said making Toni relax a little bit she was afraid Cheryl had hated her playing.
"did you write the song yourself i've never heard it before"
"oh no" Toni laughed a little now more relaxed knowing that Cheryl didn't hate her playing. "it was my version of High on Life by Martin Garrix" Toni said putting her guitar away. "i'm pretty sure your version is better" Cheryl said walking towards Toni. " you haven't even heard the original" Toni said with a giggle. "i don't have to, it can't be better than that." Cheryl said as she went to kiss Toni. "you're so hot when you play" Cheryl whispered into Toni's ear as she moved to kiss Toni's neck.
"mhmm" was all Toni could get out as Cheryl pushed her towards her bedroom.

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