Ready to go?

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Cheryl was sitting at the bar drinking the beer she Toni gave her.

"Hey Ronnie, what time do you get off? I was thinking that I could just wait here and walk home with you" Cheryl asked Veronica who realized that she didn't know. she came to work at 2 and it was 9 now. "uhmm I don't know. Toni said I can work whatever I want, but I don't want to leave her here alone to deal with all these customers, so i'll probably stay for at least couple more hours."
"I'll stay here, it's not like I have anything better to do" Cheryl said hoping that she would get a chance to talk to Toni.

around 11 the bar was almost empty there was only a few customers left. which was normal for a monday. Sweet Pea and Fangs were wiping the tables, Veronica and Toni were cleaning up. Cheryl was sitting at the bar scrolling through her phone.

"I should probably go wait outside so you guys can close" Cheryl said starting get up and head outside to wait for Veronica.
" you know you can stay here, it's cold outside" Toni said with a smile
" oh yeah okay" Cheryl said sitting back down. God I love her smile Cheryl thought to herself.

"alright I think we're good for the night" Toni told the others who were getting ready to go home.
"who's coming in tomorrow?" Toni asked her friends.
" I can't come in until 9" Sweet Pea informed her boss
"fangs can you come in at 5? i'll need you to be the bouncer until Pea gets here" toni asked the boy who nodded and said he'll be there and walked out of the door with Sweet Pea. "how about you Ronnie can you come in tomorrow?"
"i'll be here at 5" Veronica told her boss who seemed to be happy about finding a decent bartender. Cheryl and Veronica headed to the door when they heard Toni and turned around " Oh and Cheryl, it was nice to meet you I hope you'll come here again" she said with a wink. " y-yeah I will" Cheryl stuttered turning to walk out.

Cheryl and Veronica started walking home. "y-yeah I will" Veronica stuttered making fun of her best friend who was clearly crushing on her boss.
"Shut up! why didn't you tell me that your boss is hot?!" Cheryl asked her friend who was just laughing at her.
" whatever it doesn't matter it's not like I have a chance with her, she probably has a girlfriend or a boyfriend" Cheryl said unlocking their apartment door.
"did you not see the way she was flirting with you? because i could see it from a mile away" Veronica said to her roommate.
" so what if she flirted with me a little, that doesn't mean anything."
" it might, I mean you are Cheryl Blossom, you always had all the guys falling for you"
" I don't know, she is extremely attractive, I wouldn't mind if it did"
Cheryl said with a smirk and walked towards her bedroom.
"i'm going to bed, i'm exhausted" cheryl said and went to her room.

Cheryl got ready for bed and couldn't get Toni out her mind. She laid in her bed thinking about how beautiful Toni was until she eventually fell asleep.

Cheryl woke up at 2. it was her day off, she decided to make breakfast for her and Veronica who would be waking up any minute now. Veronica woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. she got out of her bed walked to the kitchen to see if there was any for her.
" this is why you are the best roommate ever" veronica said as she walked to the kitchen and sat down to eat breakfast " yeah whatever Ronnie you're doing the dishes"
" I guess that's fair" Veronica said
"so... are you going to come see your girlfriend tonight?" veronica teased her best friend about her crush. " shut up or i'll stop making breakfast for you on my days off"
" okay okay calm down just teasing" Veronica said lifting her arms up as a sign of defeat.
" no but seriously are you gonna come hang out at the bar tonight?"
" I don't know, I was planning on watching netflix all day but we'll see if I get bored" Cheryl said, she really wanted to go just so she could see Toni again but she didn't want to seem desperate.

It was a slow day at the bar. it was 9 o'clock when toni decided they would close early. "Fangs, Pea get your phone out we're closing early tonight!" Toni yelled at the guys who took their phones out and started calling people.
"what's going on?" Veronica asked confused about the bar closing early.
"Every once in a while when we have a super slow day here we close the bar early and call our friends to come over and have a private party" Toni explained " you can go home you want but you're more than welcome to stay and invite your friends to come"
"I'll text Cheryl and try to talk her into coming here"

"let me know if she needs a ride, I can go pick her up" Toni said walking away hoping she would get to see Cheryl again"

Cheryl was watching Friends on Netflix when Veronica texted her
V: Hey, we closed the bar early and are having a private party, wanna come?
C: I guess I could come stop by.
V: oh and if you want a ride, Toni offered to come pick you up ;)
C: we live 10 minutes away, I think I can walk.

Cheryl walked to her closet trying to figure out something to wear she wanted to look good, Toni would be there. She decided on wearing a red top and black skinny jeans that made her ass look good. at least that's what Veronica always told her about the jeans.
Cheryl put her heels on and headed to the bar. As she walked out of her apartment building she saw Toni leaning on her motorcycle. damn did she look good in that serpent jacket Cheryl thought to herself when she noticed Toni staring at her with her mouth open.
"Try not to drool Topaz" Cheryl said with a laugh walking towards her "what are you doing here, I told Vee that i would walk"
"sorry I just, wow" Toni said looking cheryl up and down. she was speechless. Which never happened to her. she was always flirting with girls but Cheryl wasn't just any girl, she was special, Toni wasn't sure why Cheryl had this affect on her but she couldn't control herself around her, especially when she heard her laugh.
"uhmm yeah Ronnie told me to come pick you up" Toni told the redhead. "i guess she misread your message or something."
"yeah or something.." Cheryl said, she knew exactly why Veronica had sent the sexy serpent to pick her up.

"ready to go?" Toni asked Cheryl who was now staring at motorcycle with a scared look on her face. "you've never ridden a motorcycle, have you?" Toni asked Cheryl with a smirk, who shook her head, "don't worry i'll keep you safe" Toni said with a wink and handed Cheryl a helmet.

Cheryl climbed on the bike sitting really close to Toni. She but her hands on Toni's shoulders, who laughed at this while starting the bike, Toni revved the engine and said " you might want to hold on tighter" and as soon as she started driving Cheryl wrapped her arms tightly around Toni.

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