30 minutes

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"I should play my guitar more often around you" Toni said as she laid in bed with Cheryl. "you really should" Cheryl said giving Toni a kiss.
"how did you these" Cheryl asked trailing the scars on Toni's stomach with her fingers. "well that one I got when I fell from a tree as a kid"
"how about this one?" Cheryl asked moving her fingers on Toni's stomach
"a fight with the ghoulies" Toni said
"and this one?" Cheryl asked. "from a motorcycle accident which by the way was not my fault. Sweets crashed into me a week after he got his bike and we were racing, the one on my back is his fault too well it was him and fangs."
"what happened?" Cheryl asked.
Toni laughed a little before answering Cheryl's question " well.. we were all pretty drunk actually and we were lighting fireworks and somehow these two idiots managed to make the firework fall and it hit me in my back, burned a hole in my clothes and left me with a weird looking scar" She said laughing. "did it hurt?" Cheryl asked concerned. "not too much when it happened but I couldn't sleep on my back for a month"
"remind me to stay away from the guys on the fourth of july" Cheryl giggled
"nothing to worry about, they haven't touched fireworks after that night, I think it traumatized them" Toni laughed.

After spending the morning cuddling in bed telling each other stories from their past Cheryl had gone to work and Toni was spending time at the bar with Sweet Pea and Fangs.
"you guys up for a week at the cabin?" Toni asked the boys.
"hell yeah!" The boys said at the same time. "could I maybe bring Kevin?" Fangs asked looking at the ground.
"look at that Tiny, Fangs wants to bring his boyfriend." Sweet Pea said jokingly.
"things must be getting serious with them, when's the wedding?" Toni joked. "oh shut up guys, he's not my boyfriend... not yet at least" Fangs said.
"yeah you should bring him, Cheryl's coming too and Ronnie probably. I was also planning on asking Jug and Betty."
"awesome, i'm gonna text him now" Fangs said pulling his phone out.
"oh great, i'll be third wheeling with all the couples" Sweet Pea said rolling his eyes. "Betty and Jug are the only official couple." Toni reminded.
"oh, so you're saying that you're not gonna spend the whole time drooling after Red." Sweet Pea said. "how can I not, have you seen her" Toni chuckled.
"yeah yeah I know she's the most beautiful girl you have ever met" Sweet Pea said rolling his eyes making Toni hit his arm playfully. "Ronnie should be coming and she's single" Toni said winking. "Kevin is in" Fangs said looking up from his phone with a huge smile on his face. he hadn't been paying any attention to what his friends were talking about. "awesome" Toni said. "i'm gonna make a group chat to invite everyone and plan everything." Toni said. "and don't worry Sweets you won't have to third wheel too much"

Toni created a group chat adding, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Cheryl, Jughead, Betty, Veronica and Kevin.
T: i'm going to my cabin for a week, leaving on tomorrow and you're all welcome to come join me!
SP:i'm in.
F: me too.
K:I already told fangs i'm in.
C: sounds good to me!
V: definitely! sounds like fun, as long as my boss is cool with me going.
T: I think I can convince her to let you go.
B: i'm in! so is Juggie!
T: looks like everyone is good to go! since there's eight of us we should probably take two cars.
J: we can take betty's car
T: awesome! I can take mine too. we'll meet at the bar around 9am.
F: and don't forget your swimsuits!

Cheryl went home from work. For the first time in days she didn't go to the bar to meet Toni, instead she spent the night with Veronica packing their stuff for the cabin trip. "Hey Cheryl, do you know what kinda cabin it is, is it like a small cabin or like a lake house or what?" Veronica asked trying to figure out what to pack. "I have no clue but I can call Toni and ask" Cheryl said grabbing her phone and dialing Toni's number.
"hey princess" Toni answer the phone.
"hey" Cheryl said blushing a little. she couldn't help it, every time Toni called her a princess it made her blush.
"what's up?"
"Ronnie and I are trying to figure out what to pack, so what kinda cabin it is"
"well, there's a lake, a hot tub, a small motocross trail but I doubt you guys will be spending much time there." Toni chuckled. "mostly you'll just need comfortable clothes and swimsuits, it's kinda warm during the day but it gets pretty chilly at night"
"okay, thanks Toni" Cheryl said
"anytime babe" Toni said and hung up the call. Cheryl smiled blushing a little walking towards Ronnies room to tell her what Toni had said. "what's got you blushing?" Veronica asked when she noticed Cheryl walking in her room. "Toni called me babe" Cheryl said a little embarrassed that she was blushing over a little thing like that. "you're falling so hard for her" Veronica laughed. "oh shut up, anyways she said there's a lake and a hot tub, it's warm during the days and chilly at night and to pack comfy clothes" Cheryl said leaving Veronica's room to go pack her own stuff.

"shit!" Cheryl yelled as she woke up and looked at the time. "Ronnie wake up" She yelled running into Veronica's room "we got 30 minutes until we have to be at the bar" She yelled while she was getting into the shower. "Fuck!" Veronica said as she ran into the bathroom to go brush her teeth. "How did we both miss our alarms" Cheryl said from the shower "well to be fair we were up until 4am packing our stuff" Veronica said once she finished brushing her teeth. "hurry up, I need to shower too!" Veronica said
"alright alright" Cheryl said turning the shower off and grabbing her towel and putting it around her before stepping out of the shower. "all yours" Cheryl said as she left the bathroom to go get dressed.
Cheryl got dressed quickly and made sure she hadn't forgotten to pack anything. "have you seen my jacket?" Veronica asked while Running around the apartment "I think I saw it in the kitchen" Cheryl said while pulling her hair up on a loose ponytail. "Yes! I found it" Veronica yelled "are you ready to go? it's 8.55 and it's a 15 minute walk to the bar" Cheryl asked while putting her shoes on. "yeah let's go." Veronica said and the girls walked out with their bags. they got into the elevator in their building and bursted out laughing, neither one of them had the time to do make their makeup or care what they looked like, they had pulled whatever clothes they saw on and gotten their stuff. "we might look like disasters but at least we showered, brushed our teeth and are wearing clothes" Veronica said laughing.
"you're right about that" Cheryl laughed as they exited the building and started to walk towards the bar.

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