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Kevin woke up confused of what time it was or even what day it was. He and Fangs had taken a nap that was probably the best he had ever had.
Fangs was still sleeping next to Kevin as he laid in the bed with his head on his chest listening to his heartbeat.
For the longest time Kevin had always had bad luck with romance. When he was younger all the guys were either straight or closeted. He was the only openly gay guy in the town. He would hook up with guys who had girlfriends and were afraid to come out. He always wanted more than just a hookup but that was all he could get. when he got older and moved to he found himself a guy, they were together for 8 months and Kevin was happy, happy that he finally had someone he could share his life with, could go out in public with. That was until he found out the guy had cheated on him on multiple occasions. After they had broken up Kevin swore to himself that he wouldn't get into anything serious anytime soon but then he met Fangs. A guy who was sweet and caring, not to mention incredibly hot but also seemed to be a genuinely be a good guy and Kevin had never felt anything like this towards anyone. Fangs was different, different from the douche bag he dated for eight months. Kevin slowly started to realize how he was definitely not in love with the guy he dated he was in love with the idea of having someone to share everything with, he had been so desperate to have boyfriend he had fooled himself to believe he was in love with a guy he only kinda liked.

"what time is it" Fangs mumbled as he stared to wake up, interrupting Kevin's deep thoughts and realizations
"it's eleven" Kevin said after looking at his phone
"in the morning or at night?" Fangs asked in the same confused state that Kevin had been not too long ago.
"at night" Kevin answered moving to sit up "we should probably go see what the others are up to." He continued
"yeah sure just come back here for a minute." Fangs said pulling kevin back to lay down with him.

The rest of the group were still sitting in the hot tub, Jughead and Betty had joined the rest after their walk.
"I think this is the best time we have ever had here" Sweet Pea said
Toni nodded in agreement, it was definitely better with more than just her, sweet pea and fangs. Not that they didn't have an amazing time with just the three of them but it always got a little crazy when it was just the three of them and they would only stay for a weekend so things wouldn't get boring. But having more of their friends around kept things interesting and having a week of relaxation and partying with Cheryl was more than she could hope for. "you're right, and things haven't gotten out of control too badly with everyone else keeping us from doing stupid things" Toni laughed with Sweet Pea joining her laughter.
"you got that right Tiny" He said.
"what do you mean doing stupid things" Veronica asked the question that was on everyone's mind.
"it's just that when it's Me, fangs and sweets, things tend to get out of control" Toni said.
"nothing too bad has happened though just a couple bruises and scars nothing to worry about" Fangs said once he saw the faces of the others who were clearly imagining the three of them in a hospital.
"well then you guys are staying away from my baby this week she already has more than enough scar tissue on her body than anyone should" Cheryl said staring at Sweet Pea and Fangs who looked back at her with their eyes wide open clearly frightened.
"come on Cher, I promise you i'm not gonna get hurt this week, we're taking things easier than usual this week remember? nothing's gonna happen to me." Toni said to Cheryl finishing it off by kissing her trying to convince her that she wasn't going to get hurt.
"ughh fine. but i'm keeping an eye on them." Cheryl said looking over at Sweet Pea and Fangs who immediately lifted their hands in the air.
"alright enough of this, what are we eating tonight i'm starving" Jughead interrupted the stare down between Cheryl, Sweet Pea and Fangs.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2019 ⏰

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