Cherry on Top

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Toni and Cheryl made their way downstairs where the bar was already filled with their friends.
Toni gave Cheryl a quick kiss on the cheek before walking behind the bar and starting to make drinks for both of them. Toni handed Cheryl a drink when they hear some on yell "Cheryl!"
"oh my god! Kevin what are you doing here!" Cheryl yelled in excitement as she got up to hug the boy. "Ronnie texted me" Kevin said with a huge smile on his face "I've missed you so much Kev" Cheryl said sitting back down patting on the seat next to hers for Kevin to sit down.
Toni looked at the two smiling at how happy Cheryl seemed to be. "hey, I'm Toni" She introduced herself to Kevin "Hi, I'm Kevin."
"feel free to come back here and make yourself a drink or ask me to get you one. you can also ask, Ronnie who i'm sure you already know. Then there's Emma over there who's a bartender and Pea and Fangs also can make you a drink anytime although I wouldn't ask Sweet Pea if you want something other than a beer." Toni said with a small laugh pointing out her employees.
"wow, thanks this place is cool" Kevin said looking around " I've never been to a bar where the customers are allowed behind the bar" He added.
"well usually they aren't but since we're having a private party we let some of them make their own drinks and since you're friends with Cherry I trust you enough to let you make your own if you want to" Toni said with a smile
Kevin raised his eyebrows hearing Toni call Cheryl Cherry and gave Cheryl a questioning look. Toni looked at him a little confused. Cheryl just nodded her head at him which made his eyes widen and he gave Cheryl a hug. Toni didn't understand what was going on, she stood there looking at the two hug in confusion. "so do you want a drink?" Toni asked him when he returned to his seat. "that looks good, i'll have what she's having." Kevin said pointing at Cheryl's drink.
Toni handed Kevin his drink, who now stood up saying "i'm gonna go say hi to Ronnie" and walked towards the raven haired girl.
"what just happened?" Toni asked Cheryl once Kevin had left them. "oh. umm Kevin and I had a silent conversation." Cheryl said with a small giggle. "okayy.."
"since high school we've been able to read each other's faces pretty well."
Cheryl said sipping her drink. "he asked me if there's something going on between you and me, and he was happy when I said yes"
"how long have you known each other?" Toni asked as she walked around the bar to go sit next to Cheryl.
"forever really, we always went to same schools but we weren't really close until high school, we were the only out of the closet gays in our school so we bonded."
" he seems nice, is he single?" Toni asked. "I think so, he would've told me if he had met someone, why?" Cheryl looked at Toni confused, why would Toni care if Kevin was single.
"well he seems to be getting along with Fangs." Toni said and pointed over to the pool table where Kevin and Fangs were not so subtly flirted, you could see it from far away how Kevin was touching Fangs' arm smiling at him, and Fangs smirking at Kevin in a seductive manner. "oh!" Cheryl said and laughed "Kevin never was one to take things slow."

Few hours later Cheryl was sitting in a booth with Veronica, Betty and Kevin while Toni was catching up With Sweet Pea, Fangs and Jughead who had surprisingly been getting along with the Serpents really well. "so Cheryl what's going on with you and the pink haired hottie?" Kevin asked sipping his drink
"I don't know Kev. I really like her, but i'm not really sure where things are going with us." Cheryl said to the boy. "to Toni's bedroom" Veronica slurred as she tried to wink. She was clearly starting to be a little drunk. Betty and Kevin bursted out laughing as Cheryl's face went red. "just so you all know, I haven't been to Toni's bedroom since I stayed the night when Ronnie here got too drunk to go home" sure she had had sex with Toni earlier that day but not in her bedroom.
"what about you Kev, don't think I didn't see you flirting with Fangs earlier." Betty said giving Kevin a questioning look. "ughh He's so cute, and hot... that serpent jacket looks so good on him." Kevin said looking at Fangs playing pool.
"you're drooling Keller" Cheryl laughed. "oh shut up, don't think I haven't noticed you staring at Toni's ass" Kevin bit back. "whatever.. I'm gonna get more drinks." Cheryl said standing up and making her way to the bar.

"so Tiny, what's up with you and the redhead?" Sweet Pea asked as she set up the pool table. "not much.." Toni said playing with the pool sticks. "not much?" Fangs laughed. "i'm pretty sure something was going on when you opened the door without your clothes" he added which made the other guys raise their eyebrows with a questioning look. "dude.." Toni said ad he punched
"well if you must know, I really like her. I wouldn't mind being in a relationship with her. she's just.. I don't know.. everything about her is perfect. I haven't felt this way about anyone. ever." Toni said with a sigh. "damn Topaz. you're going soft, I didn't think i'd live to see the day when the flirt of the gang has a girlfriend" Sweet Pea laughs. "oh shut up sweets, and Fangs don't think I didn't notice you flirting with Kevin.." Toni said trying to move the conversation away from her love life. "hey, don't drag me into this. and just so you know i'm gonna ask him out later tonight" Fangs said taking a sip of his beer. "just so you know he just got out of a relationship like a month ago so i'm not sure if he's looking for one right now" Jughead informed Fangs. " thanks for the heads up man. I'm still gonna ask though, if he's not ready yet, i'll wait until he is."
Fangs said with a sweet smile. "alright guys let's play.Fangs and Pea versus Me and Jug. get ready to be crushed." Toni said with a laugh.

"hey princess" Toni said as she walked to the bar where Cheryl was trying to make a drink "need help?" she added with a giggle when she noticed that Cheryl didn't really know what she was doing. "no. I think i got this." Cheryl said tasting her drink."you sure?" Toni laughed looking at the face Cheryl made after taking a sip. "uhh yeah maybe I should just let you make my drinks from now on"
"here, i'll show you." Toni said taking the glass from Cheryl and dumping the drink Cheryl had made and grabbing her a new glass.
"you were trying to make a Blue Lagoon, right?" Toni asked looking the bottles Cheryl had in front of her. "yeahh.." Cheryl asked with a small blush.
"alright so first, you get some ice" Toni started, filling the glass of ice "and then you add in the vodka and blue Curacao, about one ounce of both" She continued, Cheryl was staring at Toni who poured the alcohol into the glass without measuring how much she was putting in. how did she make it look so easy. "and then you just fill the glass with lemonade" Toni said now looking up to Cheryl who was staring at her in amazement. "you make it look so easy, I did everything you just did and it tasted awful" Cheryl said reaching for the glass. "not so fast, bombshell." Toni said smirking. Cheryl raised her brow confused looking at Toni who took a cherry and placed it in the glass and now handed Cheryl her drink. "Cherry on top is necessary for a perfect Blue Lagoon" Toni said with a wink. Cheryl giggled and sipped her drink. "I don't know how you do it. This tastes amazing" Cheryl said with a smile
"nahh, it just takes some practice" Toni said pouring whiskey into a glass for herself.

later on Sweet Pea was already passed out on a couch in the backroom.
Fangs and Kevin were sitting in a corner booth flirting with each other, Emma was long gone by now, and Toni, Cheryl and Veronica who was once again a little too drunk were saying goodbyes to Jughead and Betty who were heading home.
"bye guys, and please make sure Ronnie doesn't drink more" Betty said as she and Jughead walked out the door.
"so.. I think Ronnie should probably sleep on my couch tonight" Toni said looking at Ronnie who was dancing alone to I'm Ready by AJR. "yeah you're right, we'll take her up after the song is over, it'll be hard to get her to go anywhere right now" Cheryl laughed looking at her best friend dancing and clapping along to the song.
"will you stay the night?" Toni asked hoping Cheryl would also stay. "sounds good to me, I don't feel like walking home alone" Cheryl said with a smile.

The song ended and the three headed to Toni's apartment. "Hey Fangs!" Toni yelled getting the boys attention " lock up when you leave"
"I got you" Fangs said giving Toni a thumbs up and turning back to Kevin to continue their flirty conversation.

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