Her laugh

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It was 10 am when Cheryl woke up with a hangover. She started to make her way to the kitchen to find something for her headache when she saw Ronnie passed out on their couch and thought to her self "oh Vee, I hope you don't feel the way I do on your first day at your new job" she got to the kitchen and got her medicine and made her self a bowl of cereal.
After she finished her breakfast she realized it's already 10.50 and she had to be at work at 12.
"Fuck." she ran to the bathroom and hopped into the shower.
After her shower she got quickly dressed into skinny black jeans and a button up white shirt which she was required to wear. well it was an option between a plain whit button up or a t-shirt with the restaurant logo on it, But Cheryl would not ever be seen in one.
She did her hair and make up. and managed to get herself ready for work by 11.40. which was good because her work was a 15 minute walk away.

Veronica woke up to to Cheryl leaving even though she was being as quiet she could be. Surprisingly Veronica woke up without a hangover. She was excited about her first day at her new job, also a little nervous about working with a serpent. Veronica had always been told to stay away from the serpents, so working with one made her a little nervous.

By 1.45 Veronica was putting on her shoes getting ready to leave. She walked to work since it was only 10 minutes away.

Once Veronica got to the bar she saw Toni with two guys, all wearing serpent jackets. The sight of the three serpents scared her. She tried not to think about it and just simply focus on the fact that she really needed this job.

"you're here!" Toni said once she noticed that Veronica had arrived.
"you sound surprised"
"well I wasn't sure if you were coming after finding out you'll be working for a serpent" Toni explained her tone
"But i'm extremely happy that you are, I really need the help. it's been just me and the guys for like a month now and i'm getting exhausted working too much"
"To be honest I wasn't sure if I should work here but my best friend told me to give it a shot so here I am" Veronica confessed.
"well in that case, tell her i said thank you." Toni said while gesturing Veronica to follow her
" alright let's get started we open in two hours. First let me introduce you to the guys."

"this is Sweet Pea, he's our bouncer."
"hey nice to meet you, you can call me Sweets, Pea, SP whatever you want really"
"Hi i'm Veronica but most people just call me Ronnie"
"and this is Fangs, he's uhmm well he does all kinds of things here,"
"Hey, I'm usually around if you need help with anything"  he said with a smile. "nice to meet you Fangs"
"so, if you ever have a problem with a customer, get me, pea, or fangs. Also if you see anyone doing drugs in this bar get one of the guys to throw them out. We do not allow any drug use here." Toni said firmly. Veronica was starting to ease up on the thought of working with these three. They didn't seem that bad.
"alright next up i'll show you around the back room." Toni said as they walked towards the back. "this is where we keep the cleaning supplies, but don't worry you won't have to do much cleaning mostly just wiping the tables down. Fangs does most of the cleaning anyways."

They walked around the store Toni showing Veronica the Alcohol storage, her office, and the staff hang out area which really was just a couch and a mini fridge.

"where do those stairs go?" Veronica asked noticing the stairs in the back room leading to a door.
"oh that's my apartment. I live above the bar." Toni said with a smile
"so if i'm nowhere to be found that's probably where i'll be."
" the owner let's you live here?" Veronica asked confused. Toni was mostly in charge here and she also lived here, she must be close with the owner. "well actually I am the owner." Toni said with a chuckle " I thought I mentioned it in the interview"
"you didn't. how does a 23 year old already own a bar?" Veronica asked still confused.
" I inherited a quite a bit of money when I turned 18 so I used some of that money on this place 2 years ago"
"wow." she still had a lot of questions for Toni but she didn't want to pry.
"alrighty let's get to the bar it's almost 4 so we open soon and i still have to teach you everything about bartending" Toni said heading back to the bar

It was 7 o'clock now and they were serving a few customers. Veronica was starting to get the hang of it. Bartending wasn't that hard. Most of the customers just wanted a beer. It made it easy for veronica.

"hey Ronnie, we didn't talk about your schedule yet but you can work as many hours as you want."  Toni said while mixing drinks "I come in at 3 every day to open so you can come in any time after that and leave whenever you feel like it but I hope you'll work at least 6 hour shifts"

" how about from 6 to close?" Veronica asked Toni
"that's perfect"

Veronica's phone started ringing. She didn't know if she could answer it in front of her boss so she quickly just ignored the call.
" you know I don't care if you answer your phone right?" Toni chuckled in amusement.
"oh I didn't know" Veronica says looking at her missed call from Cheryl wondering what she wanted.
" do you mind if I call her back?" Veronica asked her boss
"not at all. you'll come to realize that we're really laid back here. I don't really care what you do as long as you do a good job. I mean look at fangs over there, he's on the clock right now and I couldn't care less" toni said pointing at fangs who was currently playing pool"

Veronica was just about to call Cheryl back when she heard the door open and she came walking in.

Toni's eyes were instantly glued to the beautiful red head who walked in. Cheryl walked to towards the bar and sat down.

"hey Vee, I left my keys home. so i'm locked out. can I have yours?"

"Again" Veronica said laughing at her friend" how do you keep forgetting them. I'll be right back My keys are in the back"

Cheryl sat at the bar looking around when her eyes met Toni who was now getting a beer for a customer. My god she was beautiful Cheryl thought as she stared at Toni.
Toni turned towards Cheryl who was now starting at the bar hoping that Toni didn't notice her staring.

"what can I get you?" Cheryl heard toni ask and lifted her head up to see the beautiful bartender right in front of her. "oh I uhmm I'll have a beer?"
Cheryl replied awkwardly.
"coming right up" Toni said and went to grab a beer for Cheryl.
"here you go beautiful, the first one is on the house." Toni said winking at Cheryl who was now blushing.

Veronica came back to the bar with her keys to find Cheryl sitting at the bar blushing at Toni. " it looks like you've met my best friend" Veronica said as she walked towards the two.
"this is your best friend? well then I think i owe you a thank you." Toni said to Cheryl. Who was now wondering why on earth would Toni owe a thank you to her. " why?" Cheryl questioned her. "well Ronnie here told me that you convinced her to take the job. And with her working here I can actually get some sleep or take a day off."
"oh well you're welcome I guess." Cheryl said with a laugh. Her laugh was the most amazing sound Toni had ever heard. All Toni wanted to do is make her laugh again and again.

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