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Toni stood up from her seat to talk to Midge who came over and hugged her. She was clearly wasted.
When Midge tried to kiss kiss her Toni quickly pushed her away saying "Midge, what are you doing?"
" I came to see you, I missed you. I thought we could go upstairs and spend some time together"
"we're not doing that anymore" Toni said to the girl in front of her. Toni had a casual thing going on with Midge, every once in a while they would have sex with no strings attached. That was until Midge had confessed that she had feelings for Toni
"why not? come on Toni, I miss you"
Midge said stepping closer to Toni who took a step back saying "that's exactly why, I don't want to hurt you, you know I don't do relationships, and you want one. You need to be with someone who wants the same things as you do."
" but we're so good together" midge said trying to get closer to Toni. Again. Toni took another step back not wanting to be too close to Midge.
"No. we're not, yeah the sex was good but that doesn't mean that we would be good together. we don't want the same things. And I don't think you should come around here anymore. you beed to find someone who wants to be with you." Toni said finally making Midge understand that she didn't want her.
Toni wanted Cheryl. Ever since she had met Cheryl, she had wanted her. Cheryl was the most beautiful girl she had ever laid her eyes on. Everything about Cheryl made her want her more. Her laugh, her smile, not to mention that she was ridiculously sexy, bur it wasn't just that she was beautiful. Toni loved her sense of humor, she admired the way she was with her friends, and how kind she was to everyone, the fact that one moment Cheryl could be filled with confidence and the next she would be shy, blushing in embarrassment.

Midge had left after she had realized Toni didn't want her. Toni turned around to go back to where she had sat with Cheryl, almost kissed Cheryl before Midge had showed up.
As Toni turned around she found the table she was with Cheryl empty.
Toni ran to the bar asking Veronica if she knew where Cheryl had gone.
"where's Cheryl?" Toni asked Veronica who had an angry look on her face. "What happened? Cheryl came over and she looked hurt. She told me she needed to get out of here"
"I don't know what happened. I was talking to Cheryl and I think we were about to kiss when a girl I used to sleep with interrupted us." Toni explained the situation to Veronica.
"we had a casual thing that ended when she told me she had feelings for me and I didn't feel the same way. I don't really do relationships. but anyways she wanted to hook up and I told her no."
"well that explains it." Veronica said with a sigh. " explains what?" Toni asked confused. "you really are clueless aren't you?" veronica said " Cheryl likes you,"
"she does?" Toni blushed. the girl she thought was the most beautiful thing to ever walk the earth liked her. Toni couldn't believe it. sure they had almost hooked up if it wasn't for Veronica. But Toni had assumed that it was just about sex, like all the other girls Toni hooked up with. they had both been drunk so she didn't think much of it. This was a dream come true for Toni. her dream girl had feelings for her.
"hello? earth to Toni" Veronica said snapping her fingers in front of her.
" where did Cheryl go? I need to see her" Toni asked.
"I don't know she probably went home, or betty's"
" I gotta go" Toni said running out of the door telling Sweet Pea to lock up the bar if she wasn't back by closing time on her way out.

Cheryl was about to kiss Toni when someone interrupted them. Someone who sure seemed to be Toni's girlfriend. Cheryl got upset seeing the two hug. She felt like her heart had been broken into a million little pieces.
She couldn't take it, So she decided to leave. She went to the bar to tell Veronica that she was leaving. On her way out she heard Toni say "I Don't do relationships" Which hurt. "okay so maybe she wasn't her girlfriend but she was something to her" Cheryl thought to herself and hearing toni say that she didn't do relationships only hurt her more. this meant that the night Cheryl and Toni almost hooked up was just that a hook up. there was no feelings involved. well other than Cheryl's.
Cheryl felt hurt and upset on her way
home she was also a little Jealous of the girl that interrupted her and Toni.

Cheryl got home and went straight to bed. She wanted to go to sleep and just forget about what had happened earlier, but she couldn't sleep. She felt stupid for being jealous and getting hurt so easily. it wasn't like she was dating Toni. Sure she had a crush on her but nothing had happened other than a drunken almost hook up and a drunken almost kiss. They were nothing more than friends. Cheryl hadn't even known toni for longer than a week. why did this girl have such a huge impact on her. She knew why. It was because it was Toni. She was kind, and sweet. she was tiny on the outside but she had a big heart, To Cheryl Toni was perfect. not to mention how hot she looked on her motorcycle.
Cheryl couldn't stop thinking about all the things she loved about Toni. Even though she was hurt and jealous, all she wanted was to be with Toni, but she couldn't, and probably never would, at least not the way she wanted.
Eventually Cheryl fell asleep dreaming about life with the pink haired serpent.
she didn't get to sleep long until she was woken up by a knock on the door.

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