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Yoongi's POV

"Min Yoongi? Can you hear and see me?"

I tried to blink my heavy eyelids open. It was a lot of effort before I saw what was in front of me completely. It was a doctor.

"Who are you? Where am I?" I asked, feeling my neck completely numb and frozen.

"I'm Dr. Kim, but you can call me Namjoon instead." He gave a warm smile before checking my vitals for any abnormalities. "It's a good thing you're okay now though. We've been expecting you."

"Why am I here? And what do you mean by that?" I was so sick of these mind games. I was so tired of guessing what's happening around me.

He gave a warm smile, "You've been asleep for 7 years. Like a coma, you know....oh shit, I broke my pen again." Namjoon was writing on his patient sheet when he accidentally broke it into half with his bare hand. He sighed and said, "I'll be right back. I'll get water and food for you as well. For now, just rest." Then he left the room.

The place was painted white with an accent of mocha brown to give contrast and elegance to the room. There was a bench in front of my bed and a desk to my right, which was surprisingly filled with flowers and encouraging messages.

I picked one out of the pile, reading, "hey yoongs! We miss you already! Cant believe i'm already a working person after graduating. Cant wait to make music with you, bud.


The name seemed familiar but I guess my memory was still adjusting.

I shook my head, not knowing who he was yet before picking up another paper.

"Suga! The gang misses you. I hope you wake up soon. You're really missing out a lot of underground rap battles tsk tsk XD."


Now I don't know who the fuck this is too. Who are these people? How did I meet them before? Were we close?

Then I started to settle down, staring at the plain white ceiling above me. Was this even real now? Am I out of the loop?

The only thing I remembered was jumping down from the school's rooftop. I was just 17 by then. But the doctor said I was in a coma for 7 years.

So I'm 24 years old now?

Well, what matters is that everything made sense. The loop was created by me after all. My mind made it up while I was in deep sleep caused by the accident that led me to be in this hospital.

The accident...

What happened to me anyway?

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