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This chapter is for you doggogirl


I pressed the doorbell of his apartment again.

"Jin! Open the fucking door! I have to tell you something I found!" I yelled from outside, just in case he was sleeping soundly.


I didn't care if he looked shabby at the moment from his bed hair and dried saliva at the corner of his mouth but I grabbed the end of his shirt and placed him at his sofa.

"It's like...2 in the morning? Why are you disturbing my beauty sleep?" He groaned, leaning his nape back on the sofa rest.

I rolled my eyes at him, crossing my arms, "You were at the bar hours ago. What beauty sleep are you talking about?"

He pursed his lips and said instead, "What makes you come to my humble home?"

The two photographs that were inside my body bag was then placed on the living room table for him to see. He eyed them suspiciouly before observing. I slowly saw his look of confusion to realization real quick, connecting the puzzle pieces together.

"What the actual fuck..." Jin murmured, flipping the pictures to see what his sister wrote at the back.

"Now I don't get what's happening. I could understand why she would say I abandoned her when I was on that hospital bed." I sat beside him, gripping my hands together.

Jin whispered, "But we saw her yesterday...she's alive."

"Because the loop restarted."

"How? By what?" asked Jin.

I shook my head, having no idea.

"What mess has she dragged us in? Am I not real too? Are we just dumbfucks in some dream?"

That popped an idea in my head.

But that was for another time.

I needed to plan it carefully and specifically.

Clasping his shoulder, I assured Jin, "Everything will be alright." He sniffed at my remark, not expecting that the older man would look this hopeless.

He was supposed to be the rock in this situation. But I guess the person who tries to be strong will always break down when they have no one to support them.

So I will be the support.

This time, I'm sure I got all the puzzle pieces ready for assembly.

It all started to make sense.

"Rest. I'll see you the day after tomorrow, hyung."

His eyes widened at my honorifics. I guess he didn't see it coming.

"Wha.." he started saying, but I was already out of his apartment.


A/n: I think there'll only be a few more chapters left. Maybe less than 10? Ughh time flies so fast. 😭😭😭 Thank you guys for your support! 😘😘😘

Please don't forget to vote or leave a comment about what you think of this chapter! 😆😆😆❤

Loop || MIN YOONGI ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora