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A/n: sorry for the late update! Have been busy with college recently. I hope some of you are still reading my story.

Please don't be a silent reader! Leave a vote and comment. Hehe 💖


"1, 800 won please." The cashier told me, handling me few bottles of soju from the store.

Getting wasted? That wasn't my initial plan at first but I was desperate to get away from everything.

Even if it's just for a moment.

I handed over the cash and dashed out of the store to get home fast. I walked briskly with my jaw clenching as well.

Indeed, I'm getting nowhere with what I'm doing. I should be looking for clues and all that shit. Could anyone blame me if I'm acting this way after all the drama?

When I got back, I wasted no time drinking down the bottles of soju with the television on, watching at random channels whichever caught my interest. I laid my head back on the sofa, thoughts swirling inside my head. The alcohol was getting to me.

I kept drinking.

Then her image appeared in my head, dying again and again.

Her smile.

Her lips.

I remembered everything as if the tape was being rewinded.

But she was now only a memory.

Gritting my teeth, I let out a curse of anger and smashed the bottle of soju on the living room table.

My body felt heated up from the alcohol. It was relaxing drinking soju on a cold day. Although, the warmth it provided was nothing like hers.

She was one of a kind.

All I needed to do was solve this mystery once and for all but I can't bear myself to do it. I didn't know why.

Maybe I was really scared of the truth.

Maybe I wasn't ready to for the change to happen.

That moment when I finally accept that she's gone for good.

"What is your name.." I asked myself, my voice breaking. Tears rolled down my cheek, not having any intention to wipe it. No one could see me anyway. "Why can't I remember you..? Why did this happen to me..?"

I continued crying out my feelings. I was just fucking tired. Period.

If there is a god out there who can provide me the answers, I don't care anymore.

Just please, let me disappear instead.

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