What's Beyond...

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"Sakura..."..Sasuke couldn't believe his eyes.

The one he was waiting for was now there. But somehow she was not happy. Not showing any emotions.

Her eyes didn't had the same sparkle she always used to have. They were dull and lifeless.

Sasuke smiled. To him, she was awake and he was happy to see her.

Naruto was lying on the floor and looking all of that. At first he was happy that Sakura was there, alive. But he was realized that something was wrong with her. He looked at Kaguya. She was smiling.

Naruto got alert. He knew now that Sakura was not same and was going to kill them. She was their enemy now.
"Sasuke!! Stay away from her. She's not our old Sakura!!!", Naruto yelled.

Sasuke ignored the words. To him all he can see was Sakura. He became deaf of all things. He only wanted Sakura to say his name, hug him and kiss him.

Sasuke made his way near to Sakura.

"Hmm, love is pretty magical isn't it, it takes you to the unknown without you knowing. Poor kid.", Kaguya smirked. But her smirk faded when an image appeared on her mind.

She gritted her teeth.

Love betrayed her once too.



And with a blink the sword Sakura held went straight through Sasuke's arm, cutting it in half.

"Sasuke?!!!!!!!", Naruto yelled and got up. He ran to him but Kaguya stopped him.

"Its me you have to fight kid.", she smirked at the weary and red face if Naruto.

"Tch..', Naruto cursed.

"Sasuke!!!! Stay strong!!, Sakura's under control, please you HAVE to fight her!!!"

"No.. She's not under my control! She's made for tragedy and destruction. This is the real Sakura.", Kaguya smirked and attacked Naruto hitting him.

"Sakura....please tell me it's the old you.." Sasuke managed to stand.

Without a word Sakura went closer with full speed.

Sasuke could see her eyes. They didn't sparkle at all like they used to. It was cold and filled with sorrow.

"Sakura...", and before Sasuke could speak, she threw him away.


"Mama's near...", Sarada smiled. And she ran further.


"Sarada please stop ." Boruto panted.


"We are here!" Shikamaru and Ino reached the Hokage building.

They ran into the investigation centre.

"Please help us find the things written in this scroll so we might be able to defeat Kaguya!", Ino.requested the old lady sitting there.

She opened the scroll and bit her finger and dropped the blood on the scroll making a strange pattern.

"I fou...nd.. It..", the lady slowly said.


Sasuke tried yo get of Sakura trying not to hurt her.

But Sakura kept in going hitting Sasuke. She quickly came near him, aiming for his chest. This time Sasuke had to fight. He took out his sword, and to his fast reflexes he managed to hurt her. Sakura backed off. She ran to a person there. He was a shinobi.

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